Shock Indictment: Trump’s Setback or Biden’s Coverup?

Trump Indicted Yet Unbroken
Trump Indicted Yet Unbroken
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A political earthquake rocked the nation when former President Donald Trump faced indictment. Yet, beneath the surface tremors, one can’t help but question the motives. Is this a pursuit of justice or a stratagem to cripple Trump’s growing influence ahead of 2024? A veil is being drawn across serious issues in the Biden administration, using Trump as the perfect distraction. Is this indictment the end of Trump, or will it fuel his momentum, turning him into an untamed force that the nation needs in its dire state?

The specifics of the indictment are grave, alleging Trump knowingly spread falsehoods about the 2020 election, an act supposedly culminating in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. They claim he eroded public faith and fueled anger. Yet, we should remember that this narrative conveniently serves those in power.

Here’s what Smith had to say to reporters after the indictment was unsealed yesterday:

Despite their best efforts, however, this witch hunt will not succeed. Trump is a fighter, and he will not be silenced by the radical left. If anything, this indictment will only make him stronger and more determined to fight for the American people.

Following Tuesday’s unsealing of the indictment, Trump himself responded in a video message, telling his supporters that despite the constant attacks against him, he will “never give up on America.”

Let’s revisit the 2020 election. A considerable portion of the American population, regardless of the establishment’s dismissal, continues to harbor serious doubts about its legitimacy. Trump, the voice of this disillusioned section, repeatedly demanded election integrity, the bedrock of any democratic institution. The dismissal of these voices only deepens the division, sowing seeds of mistrust.

Trump’s indictment has elicited a series of reactions. Most notably, his immediate response compared the situation to Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Hyperbole, some might say, but isn’t there truth in it when the dominant narrative suppresses voices of dissent?

The charges brought against Trump are grave: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights, to name a few. 

Count Four against Trump is particularly outrageous. Conspiracy Against Rights is a charge often used by the liberal elites to silence conservative voices and trample on our God-given freedoms. The indictment claims that Trump conspired to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate citizens in the free exercise of their right to vote. This is a blatant attempt to demonize anyone who dares to speak out against the leftist agenda.

Donald Trump Jr. took note of this, and added that Smith’s comments on Tuesday sounded exactly as if he was a Democrat on the January 6th sham committee:

Six unnamed co-conspirators are also implicated. While these allegations are serious, timing and circumstances raise doubts about their authenticity.

The fact that the indictment does not include charges related to insurrection or seditious conspiracy is telling. It shows that the liberal elites are grasping at straws to try and make a case against Trump. They know they have no real evidence of wrongdoing, so they are resorting to cheap political tricks to try and take him down.

Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett even said that Jack Smith “should be indicted for stupidity.”

With the shadow of a significant scandal looming over Biden’s administration, the indictment’s timing is suspicious. Trump’s indictment conveniently veils the scandal, changing the public narrative. It’s almost as if the indictment is a ruse, a perfect diversion to keep prying eyes away from Biden’s mishaps.

Moreover, Trump’s indictment announcement, in the midst of his 2024 campaign preparations, raises further questions. As Trump enjoys being the undisputed frontrunner and a serious contender for 2024, could this indictment be a calculated move to tarnish his reputation and disrupt his campaign?

Now, let’s scrutinize the indictment itself. The document lists six co-conspirators who were “enlisted” by Trump, none of whom are named. Interestingly, one of them, presumably Trump’s former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, spoke voluntarily to prosecutors, meaning his statements cannot be used against him in future criminal cases. The indictment also accuses other attorneys and a Justice Department official. While the charges sound damning, the lack of transparency raises concerns about their veracity.

The indictment period spans from November 14, 2020, to around January 20, 2021. It alleges that Trump urged local election officials to overturn voting results and pressured former Vice President Mike Pence to halt the certification of electoral votes. The judges dismissed these claims, yet they serve as the indictment’s backbone.

Trump’s counter argument has consistently been about election integrity. He insists the 2020 election was stolen, and many Americans agree. This sentiment stems not from blind loyalty to Trump, but from genuine concerns about our democratic process’s sanctity. Dismissing these concerns only intensifies the division and fuels mistrust in our institutions.

Interestingly, this is not Trump’s first encounter with Smith. He also faces a separate indictment relating to national defense documents allegedly stashed at Mar-a-Lago. While these charges sound damning, the timing, again, raises questions about their authenticity. The trial begins in May, coinciding with the political fervor for the 2024 election.

The relentless onslaught on Trump extends beyond federal indictments. In New York, he faces allegations regarding pre-2016 election hush money payments. These charges, while serious, reek of political opportunism, aiming to chip away at his 2024 chances.

As the dust settles on this breaking story, questions linger. Is this about justice served or a strategic attack on a political adversary? In these polarized times, it’s essential to look beyond surface narratives. The Trump indictment, rather than sealing his political fate, may cement his position as the resilient leader America yearns for. The coming days will determine if this indictment was a grave miscalculation by those in power, inadvertently fanning the flames of Trump’s 2024 campaign. Trump, it seems, remains unbroken, indomitable. In his own words, “the harder they hit, the stronger I get.”

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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