Republican Senators Slam Biden’s Secret Iran Deal: ‘Cash for Terror’ Fear Looms

Republican Senators Slam Biden's Secret Iran Deal: 'Cash for Terror' Fear Looms
Republican Senators Slam Biden's Secret Iran Deal: 'Cash for Terror' Fear Looms
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The Biden administration’s unchecked pursuit of a nuclear deal with Iran has sparked outrage among 26 Republican senators who are concerned about the blatant disregard for congressional authority. In a letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the lawmakers expressed their apprehension with the Biden administration’s recent prisoner swap. The deal saw a staggering $6 billion being transferred to the Iranian regime in a “secret negotiation.” Clearly, the Biden administration is setting a dangerous precedent that threatens to endanger American lives.

The majority of Senate Republicans are incensed at the Biden administration’s actions, which seem eerily similar to those taken by the Obama administration when it released $400 million in liquidated assets to Iran in 2016. At the time, these senators warned that this “dangerous precedent” would put a price on American lives. Now, the current administration is doling out a “ransom payment” worth at least fifteen times that amount to the world’s largest state sponsor of terror.

This money is running entirely counter to the United States’ long-standing “no concessions” policy, and the senators are concerned that it will only serve to encourage additional hostage-taking for financial or political gain. They are worried that the Biden administration is attempting to sidestep Congress and pursue other pathways to financially compensate Iran to renegotiate a successor to the ill-fated 2015 nuclear deal.

Iran is reportedly on the cusp of starting nuclear weapon testing as their ability to enrich weapons-grade uranium has dramatically accelerated under the Biden administration. The senators are concerned that this will pose a significant risk to the safety of American citizens overseas and broader United States national security interests. The Biden administration’s feckless and ineffectual leadership is endangering the safety and security of the American people. It is unacceptable to reward the Iranian regime for malign behavior, and any agreement with Iran that entails such financial rewards must be opposed at all costs.

The conservative, pro-America senators are determined to hold the Biden administration accountable for its destabilizing actions. They have laid out a series of urgent questions that Blinken and Yellen must answer within 30 days. The Senators’ letter is angry and confrontational, as they demand answers to why the Biden administration is putting American lives at risk with its misguided nuclear deal with Iran. It is time for the Biden administration to put an end to its reckless game of nuclear roulette and start prioritizing the safety and security of the American people.

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