Duke Energy’s ESG Pursuit Whacks Customers’ Wallets Hard – Consumers Cry Foul

Duke Energy's ESG Pursuit Whacks Customers' Wallets Hard - Consumers Cry Foul
Duke Energy's ESG Pursuit Whacks Customers' Wallets Hard - Consumers Cry Foul
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Duke Energy’s pursuit of what they call “woke” ESG policies has resulted in nothing but higher energy costs for its customers and rampant inflation. Consumers in North Carolina are being held captive by Duke’s near-monopoly on the energy market, and they have no other options for energy if they wish to keep the lights on.

While claiming to pursue “net-zero” emissions goals, Duke Energy has turned its back on reliable and affordable energy sources in favor of costly and less reliable wind and solar sources. This has predictably resulted in multiple hikes on energy prices for consumers and more ominous warnings of additional costs in the future.

Duke Energy’s decision to put profit over their customer’s financial stability is disgusting. Even more disgusting is the fact that this move has benefited Duke Energy’s executives, who keep getting richer by virtue of their customers getting poorer.

The time has come for a watchdog to hold Duke Energy accountable, and fortunately, Consumers’ Research has taken up the mantle to fight this massive corporation. Through a comprehensive advertising campaign, the group seeks to bring public pressure to bear on Duke Energy, and is demanding that the North Carolina Utilities Commission take action in protecting consumers from Duke’s immoral business practices.

The fact of the matter is that consumers are being held captive by Duke’s complete dominance of the North Carolina energy market. Customers are left without recourse as Duke bosses North Carolina power bills up by a staggering 20% over the next three years. This increase takes into account compensation for Duke’s multiple failed projects, subsidies for pilot programs that unjustly favor electric vehicle owners, and an expanding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) department that does nothing to deliver reliable service to their customers.

Duke’s insane obsession with needless diversity quotas for hiring outbreaks an affront to civil rights in America, creating distractions that prevent their vital job of keeping the grid powered. Ultimately, the DEI programs cost the taxpayers more money, working only to further enrich Duke’s executives while failing to serve the average customer’s needs.

Furthermore, Duke has sponsored a Youth Pride Carnival in 2022, which included a King and Queen Drag Show that targeted children as young as 12. Such indoctrination is nothing more than sexual grooming, and Duke should not be allowed to force consumers to fund these vile and disgusting activities.

In the meantime, Duke Energy’s relentless pursuit of anti-consumer “net-zero” policies is beyond abusive. They use the company’s resources to advocate for policies that increase Duke’s operating costs, while simultaneously demanding that these costs be passed down to the customers in the form of rate hikes. Duke’s executives admit as much in their applications to increase rates, noting that the “scale and complexity of a clean energy transition imposes a special obligation on Duke.” However, they fail to mention that this obligation is squarely on the customers’ shoulders, and not theirs.

Consumers’ Research has made it clear that it will not rest until Duke Energy is held accountable for all the harm it has wrought in North Carolina. Through the RebukeDuke.com website, the group aims to reach the masses with the truth about Duke’s heinous actions. By putting two mobile billboards outside Duke Energy’s headquarters in Charlotte and at a hotel where one of their board members is speaking, they will reveal the truth to everyone. Finally, digital ads will target the company’s customers and employees to show them that Duke’s executives do not care about their financial welfare.

The time has come for all right-thinking individuals to rally behind Consumers’ Research and fight this tyranny. Do not let Duke Energy get away with its immoral business practices. Call on the North Carolina Utilities Commission to put an end to Duke’s predatory pricing policies and help consumers have some relief.

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