August 2023

Staten Islanders Rally Against Secretive Migrant Shelter Setup: A Cry for Transparency!

Staten Islanders Rally Against Secretive Migrant Shelter Setup: A Cry for Transparency!

Staunch Staten Island residents staged a spirited protest against the clandestine conversion of a shuttered Catholic academy into a migrant shelter. Their ire is not directed at those hosted within, but the underhanded decision devoid of community consultation, which they view as a flagrant violation of their communal rights. Residents demand greater transparency, uprightness in decision-making, and due regard for their community values from their elected officials.

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Biden’s DHS Caught Using AI to Monitor Social Media ‘Thought Crimes’

Biden’s DHS Caught Using AI to Monitor Social Media ‘Thought Crimes’

In a world where our every click, like, and comment is stored in vast databases, have you ever wondered who’s really watching? Tonight, in a SPECIAL REPORT, startling revelations about how the U.S. government, under President Biden’s administration, is ramping up its surveillance – not just on what you post online, but how you feel when you post it.

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Georgia's Voting Machines Hacked? Governor's Shocking Admission Rocks the Nation!

Georgia’s Voting Machines Hacked? Governor’s Shocking Admission Rocks the Nation!

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has dropped a bombshell: our voting systems are vulnerable to hacking. This shake-up exposes a daunting truth on the integrity of our elections. The critics call it alarming; I call it a much-needed wake-up call. As co-founders of demand transparency, the abrupt resignation of Chairman of the Georgia Election Board, Bill Duffy, churns up more questions. Georgia appears at a vital crossroad. Will this be a turning point toward election security, or slip into political quicksand? The nation watches.

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Gold Star Dad Slams Biden: A Plea for Respect and Accountability Amid National Grief

Gold Star Dad Slams Biden: A Plea for Respect and Accountability Amid National Grief

A Gold Star father, mourning the loss of his son in the line of service, boldly criticizes President Joe Biden, labeling him a “disgrace to this nation.” Amid personal heartache and stern political judgment, he accuses Biden of being negligent, insensitive, and moreover, responsible for facilitating “the biggest international free black market in history” during the recent Afghanistan withdrawal. The father’s raw and real emotions underscore a national sentiment of growing discontent and emphasize the need for accountable leadership.

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Trump Reacts As Dems' Trial Date Strategy is Revealed

Trump Reacts As Dems’ Trial Date Strategy is Revealed

Just when you thought the targeting of President Trump by the Democrats couldn’t be more blatant, a startling revelation emerges! Why is it that every move by the left seems strategically designed to diminish Trump’s chances for the 2024 presidency?

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Media Fearmongering: Maddow's Unfounded Trump Speculations Stir Controversy!

MSNBC’s Maddow Makes Headlines with Crazy Theory about President Trump

“Rachel Maddow’s latest jest at fear-fomenting instead of fact-finding, unscrupulously depicts a Trump-orchestrated dystopia, devoid of evidence. It’s an alarming detour from traditional journalism – replacing facts and unbiased analyses with fabrication. Maddow’s theatrics underscore the media’s tragic transformation from reporters to ringmasters of a relentless fear circus. It’s high time we revive commitment to truth and integrity, shifting focus from sowing disquiet to nurturing a well-informed populace.”

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Byron Donalds' Scathing Review: A Damning Exposé of Biden's 'Historic' Two Years

Byron Donalds’ Scathing Review: A Damning Exposé of Biden’s ‘Historic’ Two Years

As this contentious mid-term election cycle unfolds, the spotlight turns to Florida Congressman Byron Donalds (R), openly challenging the Biden Administration with a scathing video critique. Armed with a litany of issues from rising inflation to inept crisis management, Donalds boldly outlines a narrative of relentless economic missteps and political overreach. Treading the path of fearless opposition, Donalds’ commentary serves as an electrifying call-to-arms for Republicans. Amid rocky economic terrain and widespread disenchantment, this will certainly fuel a riveting battle of ideologies at the polls.

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School Brands Young Rebel ‘Racist’ for Historic Flag!

School Brands Young Rebel ‘Racist’ for Historic Flag!

Picture this: a 12-year-old boy, an American classroom, and a small but powerful patch of fabric that’s got the woke brigade at his school losing their minds. I’m talking about Jaiden Rodriguez, who dared to display the iconic Gadsden flag—yes, the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag—on his backpack. Now he finds himself at the center of a cultural warzone.

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