MSNBC Reveals Democrats’ Off-Air Secret about Biden’s Re-Election

Democrats Fear Quieter Truth: Biden's Age a Barrier to Re-Election?
Democrats Fear Quieter Truth: Biden's Age a Barrier to Re-Election?
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It’s no secret that even Democrats are beginning to express their concerns about Joe Biden’s age and fitness for office. The 78-year-old president has already shown signs of senility, including losing his train of thought and stumbling on several occasions, and even those on the left are starting to admit that he may not have what it takes to lead the country for another four years.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough revealed that he has heard Democrats privately conceding that Biden is too old to run again, despite publicly dismissing the issue on TV. Scarborough wasn’t alone in his observation, as fellow MSNBC host Al Sharpton also reported hearing similar chatter.

This concern about Biden’s age is not just relegated to Democrats. Polls have consistently shown that a majority of voters, including those within the Democratic party, have reservations about Biden’s ability to serve another term. Even his own vice president, Kamala Harris, has struggled to gain popularity among the public and is seen by many as an unappealing choice to take over if Biden were to step down.

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius recently wrote an op-ed calling on Biden to drop his plans for 2024 and citing both his age and Harris’ unpopularity as reasons why. The fact that even liberal outlets like the Post are acknowledging this issue speaks volumes about the severity of the situation.

The question remains: who could possibly do a better job as president than Biden and defeat the GOP’s front-runner, Donald Trump? According to Scarborough, there are no viable candidates among the Democrats currently in the running. This leaves the country in a precarious position, with an aging president who may not be up to the task and no clear alternative on the horizon.

It’s time for the American people to face the harsh reality: Joe Biden is simply too old to lead the country for another term. The Democrats may be in denial about it, but the rest of us cannot afford to be. The future of this great nation is at stake, and we must demand better from our leaders.

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