October 2023

IT BEGINS: Gaza’s Obliteration, Has the Hook In the Jaw Been Set?

IT BEGINS: Gaza’s Obliteration, Has the Hook In the Jaw Been Set?

In the midst of a tumultuous Israeli-Hamas conflict, the world stands on edge. As Israel launches intense airstrikes and Erdogan issues chilling threats, we question: Is this Israel’s Second War of Independence? With Iran flexing its military muscles and US warships gathering, the Mediterranean feels more like a powder keg. But as tensions surge overseas, back home, the streets echo with pro-Palestine chants. How does this distant conflict potentially affect your wallet? Gary Franchi unravels the intricate web of geopolitical maneuvers, revealing potential consequences that could ripple across the world. Tune in to get a comprehensive overview of the ongoing crisis, and stay till the end for an insightful final thought on why this matters to every American.

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Sweet Tooth Shocker: Candy Prices Soar by 13%, Double the Grocery Price Hike!

Sweet Tooth Shocker: Candy Prices Soar by 13%, Double the Grocery Price Hike!

A chill runs down one’s spine, but it’s not from the ghosts of Halloween’s past. Americans, brace yourselves for a brutal blow as candy prices rocket up a gut-wrenching 13% compared to last year. This sobering trend, which marks the second year of double-digit inflation, is a slap in the face to every hard-working citizen. From the cocoa fields of West Africa to national retailer Aldi’s checkout line, the tale of soaring candy costs leaves a bitter taste that lingers much longer than any sugar rush.

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Biden's HHS Implements Pronoun Mandate: Inclusive Step or Compulsion of Conformity?

Biden’s HHS Implements Pronoun Mandate

The Biden-led HHS ushers in an era of pronoun policy, in a strident affirmation of transgender and non-binary identity rights. But, in pushing ideological conformity, do they breach constitutional freedom of speech? The line between fostering inclusivity and imposing non-negotiable conformity is being trod upon. This intrusive mandate breeds enmity – to evolve, shouldn’t we entertain diverse perspectives without sequesters? The liberty to opt-out without fear of retribution must be preserved. This is America, not a totalitarian regime. One can only watch, anxiously, as the consequences unfold!

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Rising 'Trump Train' in Hip-Hop Community: Lil Pump Leads Surprise Endorsement Trend!

Rising ‘Trump Train’ in Hip-Hop Community: Lil Pump Leads Surprise Endorsement Trend!

In a startling slap to societal expectation, rapper Lil Pump and other hip-hop stars rally behind Trump with explosive enthusiasm. Seemingly unsatisfied to silently tip the scales, their fervent endorsement echoes loudly across digital platforms, brazenly challenging mainstream political narratives. With an estimated one in five Black Americans standing with Trump, no longer can assumptions of voting demographics be taken for granted. Brace for a dynamic shift in America’s political landscape.

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Rep. Byron Donalds Slams Judiciary's Political Bias; 'Slap-Wrist' Sentences Questioned

Rep. Byron Donalds Slams Judiciary’s Political Bias after Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s Lenient Sentence for Pulling Fire Alarm

In a recent hullabaloo on Capitol Hill, Representative Byron Donalds questioned the leniency in sentencing of Democratic Representative Jamaal Bowman’s misdemeanor. Evident from surveillance footage, Bowman triggered a false evacuation during a voting procedure. Shockingly, his punishment was a mere slap on the wrist. This glaring inconsistency in the court’s treatment compared to the significantly harsher sentences for non-violent January 6th protesters lays bare the shifting scales of justice under political polarization. This calls for immediate scrutiny and a principled review of the justice system bereft of partisan biases. Remember, justice should always be blind.

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House Speaker's Dramatic Declaration: Biden Investigations Stay, the Political Drama Continues!

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Declaration: Encouraging Continued Biden Investigations

“House Speaker Mike Johnson unflinchingly backs ongoing investigations into President Biden’s affairs, a pioneering move shaping dynamics in Washington. Johnson’s staunch support for uncovering the truth, refusing political manipulation, disarms doubters and marks him as a vigilante for constitutional integrity. His bold posture commands attention, electrifying the American political landscape as we brace for tumultuous times. The nation waits, breathless, for revelations that promise to redefine Capitol Hill narratives.”

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Disney's New Shake-Up: Altering Release Dates and Overhauling 'Woke' Content?

Disney’s SHOCKING U-Turn: How the Woke Giant is Crumbling Under Pressure

Disney’s recent shifts in its forthcoming movie lineup are a resounding victory for those opposed to Hollywood’s increasing ‘wokeness’. These changes – including postponing releases like ‘Disney’s Snow White’ and introducing varying character representation – show a departure from previous trends. While critics debate if this is a conservative triumph or merely a temporary adjustment, there’s no denying that Disney’s marked changes demonstrate a responsiveness to external pressures and internal re-evaluation, which could shake up the cinematic universe.

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How Jack Smith's Move Might Change Trump's 2024 Presidential Run!

How Jack Smith’s Move Might Change Trump’s 2024 Presidential Run!

Special Counsel Jack Smith urges a stricter gag order on former President Donald Trump, sparking intense debate. But the real shocker? The far-left ACLU condemns the order, championing Trump’s free speech rights. In a whirlwind of events, tensions escalate as Trump’s ability to discuss the case or mention witnesses hangs in the balance. Tune in as Gary Franchi delves deep into this escalating controversy, the players involved, and the implications for our republic. From the nuances of the case to the unexpected alignment of the ACLU and Trump, this report unpacks the layers. You don’t want to miss this exclusive deep dive, and be sure to stay till the end for a crucial final thought.

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MTG's Bold Step Against The Most "Anti-American" Congress Member

MTG’s Bold Step Against The Most “Anti-American” Congress Member

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces a censure resolution against Rashida Tlaib, a member of the “Squad”, over her recent comments on Israel and Hamas. Tlaib, criticized by both sides of the aisle, faces increasing scrutiny for her statements and actions. Tune in to hear the full story and Gary Franchi’s profound final thought on this ongoing political saga.

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Tucker's Ominous Warning Stirs National Alarm

Tucker’s Ominous Warning Stirs National Alarm

Tucker Carlson’s recent remarks hint at “end times” sentiment growing among Americans. With the looming 2024 election, the nation may be at a crossroads. Dive into Gary Franchi’s special report that delves deep into Tucker’s warning and its implications on America’s republic. Plus, don’t miss out on the FINAL THOUGHT, which uncovers why this is crucial for every citizen.

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SHOTS FIRED! US Launches Surprise Attack in Middle East!

SHOTS FIRED! US Launches Surprise Attack in Middle East!

Breaking tonight: a deep dive into the alleged covert plans involving Israel, the US, and their potential move against Hamas in Gaza. Amidst these shocking revelations, Russia hosts key Hamas and Iranian officials in Moscow. What does this signify for the future of the region? Gary Franchi unpacks the intense dynamics of the situation, and you won’t want to miss his riveting final thoughts on what this means for our republic.

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Biden Handed HORRIBLE News From Dems as Trump Skyrockets in Critical Swing States

Biden Handed HORRIBLE News From Dems as Trump Skyrockets in Critical Swing States

Gary Franchi dives deep into the recent polling data showing former President Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden in pivotal states and nationally. As Biden’s approval sinks, Trump’s resurgence, especially among younger voters, indicates a shifting political landscape. How will these numbers impact a potential 2024 showdown? Watch this special report for the full story and stay tuned for the final thought you won’t want to miss.

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