101-Year-Old War Hero Celebrates Birthday at Hooters, Embracing Life with Unmatched Zest!

101-Year-Old War Hero Celebrates Birthday at Hooters, Embracing Life with Unmatched Zest!
101-Year-Old War Hero Celebrates Birthday at Hooters, Embracing Life with Unmatched Zest!
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In a Texas Hooters resides a tale that effortlessly binds strings of humor, longevity, and heroism, as World War II and Korean War veteran, and Purple Heart medalist, Harry Perez Cerezo, marked his 101st birthday. Teary-eyed and basking in the company of the Hooters staff and his family, 101-year-old Cerezo tasted the unique flavor of a birthday he’d never forget.

101-year-old Harry Perez Cerezo celebrating his birthday at an El Paso Hooters.

Born on January 5, Cerezo enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces at 17, taking part in not just one, but two of the most monumental wars in history. His bravery in the Korean War was marked by a wound that left him forever altered – a bullet in his back. The recognition for his courage didn’t go unrecognized, as he was decorated with the Purple Heart.

Beyond his military venture, Cerezo found a home in the U.S. Postal Service, serving the nation in a different, yet equally crucial capacity. After retirement, his life took a sharp solitary turn in 2018 when his beloved wife, Bibiana Perez, breathed her last.

Cerezo's had never even heard of Hooters until last year when his niece brought him there to honor his tongue-in-cheek request to see "some behind" on his birthday.

Given his hard of hearing and determined refusal to wear hearing aids, social outings were notably infrequent. But the exception arose on his 100th birthday with a sly wish—to “see some behind.” Answering this whimsical request, his niece, Josie Ramirez, introduced him to Hooters, an unfamiliar name until then. Cerezo’s delight at the atmosphere and company was such that he promised to celebrate all forthcoming birthdays there, a pact he fulfilled on his 101st.

A military service photo of Cerezo.

Invisible though it might be, a secret recipe for a hundred years and one, may lie in Cerezo’s lifestyle–heavy on exercise and light on eating. Daily walks on his treadmill, cycling sessions during Mexican soap operas, and avoiding overindulgences except on days when two chicken wings, some cake, and skipping medication for a hearty beer, mark the occasion.

As we recount this tale that illustrates the flavorful conjunction of humor, survival, and celebration, we take a moment to honor the journey woven over a century. From a 17-year-old enlistee to a decorated war hero, a dedicated postal worker to a hearty centenarian, Cerezo embodies the spirit of a genuine survivor. To continue to live independently and embrace life with such zest is as much a testament to his indomitable spirit as his military and personal endeavors.

Indeed, life starts at 101, especially if one’s marking it with a Hooters celebration. Here’s to Mr. Cerezo and the lives like his that add a dash of spice to the ordinary and help us cherish the exhilarating intersection of survival and celebration. As he pedals and treads into another year, we raise our metaphorical glasses to cheer for ‘another round’ and its incumbent surprises. Whatever the coming years may bring, Cerezo stands as an inspiration in celebrating life and its remarkable milestones, no matter where or how they’re achieved.

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