Trump’s Dire Warning: 100% Chance of Terror Attack on U.S. from Border Crisis

Trump's Dire Warning: 100% Chance of Terror Attack on U.S. from Border Crisis
Trump's Dire Warning: 100% Chance of Terror Attack on U.S. from Border Crisis
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In a time when America’s security hangs by a thread, former President Donald Trump issues a chilling warning: the chances of a terrorist attack stemming from the current border crisis are “100 percent.” Under Biden’s watch, the nation has seen an unprecedented surge in illegal crossings, compromising not just the integrity of our borders but potentially our very lives. As the 2024 election looms, the call for a leader who prioritizes the safety and values of the American people has never been louder. Join Gary Franchi in a no-nonsense report on the dire state of our nation’s borders, the implications of Biden’s failures, and the urgent need for Trump’s return to leadership. Discover why this moment could define the future of America and why the next election is about more than just politics—it’s about our survival.

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