Dems In Disarray As Jordan’s Relentless Crusade For Truth Rips Lid Off Biden Family Lies And Deceit

Dems In Disarray As Jordan's Relentless Crusade For Truth Rips Lid Off Biden Family Lies And Deceit
Dems In Disarray As Jordan's Relentless Crusade For Truth Rips Lid Off Biden Family Lies And Deceit
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In today’s special report, Gary Franchi takes a deep dive into the unyielding stance of Rep. Jim Jordan against the backdrop of an indicted FBI informant’s claims. Despite the swirling controversy, Jordan underscores ‘Four Fundamental Facts’ about the Bidens’ involvement with Burisma, unshaken by the informant’s accusations. This revelation not only reinforces the case for the Bidens’ corruption but also amplifies the cry for Trump’s return to the White House. Join us as we uncover the layers of deceit surrounding the Biden administration, proving why America desperately needs leaders like Trump and Jordan to restore transparency and integrity. Don’t miss our final thought on why this matters to every American.

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