Midwest Dominates Zillow’s 2024 Best Cities for First-Time Homebuyers List

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In a revealing analysis by the real estate giant Zillow, St. Louis has been named the best market in the United States for first-time homebuyers in 2024. This accolade highlights the city’s unique combination of affordability, quality of life, and community support for new homeowners. It also emphasizes the broader trend of the Midwest emerging as a beacon of affordability in an otherwise challenging national housing landscape.

Zillow’s annual list of the 10 best cities for first-time homebuyers has brought into focus the appeal of the Midwest for those looking to plant roots without breaking the bank. Alongside St. Louis, four other Midwestern cities — Detroit, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Indianapolis — secured spots on the list, underscoring the region’s attractiveness. This recognition is based on a set of criteria including rent affordability, the percentage of listings within financial reach for the average household, competition levels for affordable homes, and the presence of similar-age families, which fosters community.

Despite the common hurdles faced by first-time buyers nationwide, such as soaring mortgage rates and a limited housing inventory, St. Louis and its fellow Midwestern cities offer a glimmer of hope. St. Louis, in particular, boasts a median home price of $205,500, significantly lower than national averages, making homeownership attainable for a broader demographic. The city not only provides financial accessibility but also enriches its residents’ lives with high-quality schools and a plethora of free activities, as highlighted by local brokerage owner Sandy Hancock.

Affordability in St. Louis is further illustrated by the city’s high ranking in Zillow’s affordability metrics. The report details that a median-income family can comfortably afford 67% of the home listings in the city, assuming a financial model where less than 30% of income is dedicated to mortgage payments. This figure leads the list and is a testament to the city’s commitment to making homeownership accessible to as many people as possible.

Moreover, the competition for affordable homes in St. Louis is less intense compared to other metropolitan areas, with a significant number of affordable listings available per capita. The cost of living, particularly rental expenses, is also lower than the national average. This affordability gives prospective homeowners greater flexibility to save for down payments, often cited as one of the most significant barriers to purchasing a home.

However, one area where St. Louis falls slightly behind in Zillow’s ranking is in the share of similar-age households. The presence of peers in a community can greatly enhance the home buying experience, creating a sense of belonging and support. Despite this, the strong performance in other areas solidifies St. Louis’s position as a leading market for first-time buyers.

The Midwest’s prominence in the list of top cities for first-time homebuyers is a notable shift in the housing market, reflecting a growing search for affordability and quality of life outside the traditional coastal hotspots. As mortgage rates and home prices continue to challenge buyers across the country, cities like St. Louis offer a viable path to homeownership, embodying the dream of affordable living without compromise. This trend is likely to continue as more buyers become aware of what the heartland has to offer, making the Midwest a key region to watch in the coming years.

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