Speaker Johnson Betrays GOP, Colludes with Dems to Pass Ukraine Aid Using Minority Votes

Speaker Johnson Betrays GOP, Colludes with Dems to Pass Ukraine Aid Using Minority Votes
Speaker Johnson Betrays GOP, Colludes with Dems to Pass Ukraine Aid Using Minority Votes
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In an unprecedented move, House Speaker Mike Johnson has betrayed his own party by relying on Democrat votes to advance his foreign aid plan. For the first time in recorded history, the House Rules Committee used minority party votes to overcome objections from the majority, effectively surrendering Republican control to Democrats. Johnson’s scheme exploits the urgency to pass aid to Israel to ensure Ukraine funding can pass Congress, merging four bills into one package to be sent to the Senate. Conservative Reps. Chip Roy, Thomas Massie, and Ralph Norman voted against the rule, exposing Johnson’s blatant disregard for Republican unity. This shocking display of political treachery raises questions about Johnson’s allegiance and suggests a new low in Washington politics. Should Johnson resign for grossly betraying his party’s trust? Join us as we delve into this insane spectacle of political theater and explore the implications of Johnson’s actions for the future of the Republican party. Don’t miss the final thought, where we discuss why this story matters to the American people and what Republicans must do to address this outrageous ploy.

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