DeSantis Fights Anti-Semitism & Intolerance: Protects Free Speech, Expels Harassers in Florida Universities

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In a powerful statement against the rising tide of intolerance and anti-Semitism, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made it clear in a press conference this week that his state would not tolerate protesters commandeering roads or harassing Jews on college campuses. With images of these troubling incidents going viral, DeSantis seized the opportunity to assert that Florida’s universities were committed to providing a safe environment for all students, as groups supporting terrorist organizations like Hamas are wreaked havoc across some of America’s most prestigious institutions.

“You think about what happened when you have these Hamas demonstrators out. They’re taking over bridges and they’re taking over roads,” said DeSantis. “First of all, you don’t have a right to do that. You have someone get stuck in traffic … someone may need to get to a hospital, someone may need to pick up a child somewhere, and you’re just gonna commandeer the road because you have this ideological predilection?”

The governor then transitioned into talking about the anti-Semitic protesters who have expressed support for terrorist groups and have committed acts of violence against Jews on college campuses. “Some of the stuff with Hamas is absurd that someone would go out and demonstrate on that,” he said. “But when you’re chasing Jewish students around, when you’re not letting a Jewish professor enter a building, when you’re targeting people like that, that’s not free speech. I mean, that’s harassment, that violates appropriate conduct.”

DeSantis then took aim at institutions like Columbia and Yale, where he claimed harassment of Jewish students and faculty have gone unchecked. “And yet at Columbia, at Yale, all these places, those guys, those folks rule the roost,” he said. “They do whatever they want, and these administrators and presidents of these universities are weak, they’re scared, and they don’t do anything. You know, you do that at Florida at our universities, we’re showing you the door, you’re gonna be expelled when you’re doing that stuff. And you know what? The minute people start to face consequences, you are not gonna see this nonsense going on.”

Governor DeSantis’ strong stance and fierce condemnation of the appalling behavior seen at some universities underscore his dedication to preserving the rights of all individuals to freely express their views without fear of harassment or intimidation. In his state, the right to free speech will not be overshadowed by violent bigotry, and he sends a clear message to those who engage in such conduct: face the consequences.

With DeSantis’ forceful words and commitment to action, one can only hope that other states and educational institutions will follow suit, standing against the rising tide of hatred and disruption that currently plagues our nation. By stepping forward to lead in this perilous time, DeSantis demonstrates the kind of fearless leadership necessary to navigate these treacherous waters and ensure that all Americans are afforded the full protection and rights they deserve. Let his forceful declaration serve as the catalyst for a new era of unity, respect, and understanding, and let it be known that in the United States, there is no place for bigotry, intolerance, or hatred.

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