Ford’s Shocking $132K Loss/Car: A Wake-up Call for US Electric Vehicle Push?

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Ford Motor Company’s Shocking Loss: A Cautionary Tale for the American Electric Vehicle Industry

In a startling revelation, Ford Motor Company disclosed this week that it lost a staggering $132,000 per electric vehicle (EV) sold in the first quarter of 2021, casting doubt on the future of America’s rapidly growing electric vehicle market. With the Biden administration pushing for a green revolution and numerous auto manufacturers jumping on the electric bandwagon, Ford’s announcement serves as a stark reminder of the harsh realities facing the EV industry.

The company’s first-quarter earnings report revealed a $1.3 billion loss in its electric vehicle unit, attributable to a 20% decrease in sales volume and low demand for electric vehicles across the industry. This led to drastic price cuts on Ford’s electric offerings in a desperate bid to stimulate sales. The automaker now expects its EV division to hemorrhage a colossal $5 billion this year, up from the $4.7 billion hit it suffered last year.

This news comes amidst escalating concerns about the feasibility and sustainability of the aggressive transition towards electric vehicles in the United States. As businessman Andrew Puzder commented on X, “Americans don’t want EVs at levels Biden’s climate hysteria require”. He points out that Ford’s profits in the period came exclusively from combustion engine vehicle sales, illustrating the perilous nature of embracing collectivist policies that could jeopardize prosperity.

The situation is even direr considering Ford’s recent announcement that it intends to suspend the production of two new electric vehicles and pivot to manufacturing more hybrid cars due to dwindling consumer demand for EVs. Sam Abuelsamid, a principal analyst for transportation and mobility at research firm Guidehouse Insights, told The New York Times, “Many companies rushed in too fast with EVs that were too expensive and there was not as much of a market for them as they thought”. This miscalculation has left several corporations facing major setbacks as they struggle to sell electric vehicles.

The domino effect of this issue plagues the entire electric vehicle market. Numerous companies have either scrapped plans to roll out electric cars, abandoned their ambitions to go all-electric, or are grappling to stay afloat in this turbulent business environment.

A major contributing factor to consumer aversion towards electric vehicles is the combination of high prices and concerns about their quality, reliability, and performance, especially in cold weather. Furthermore, the inconvenience associated with the lack of charging stations and long recharging times only serves to exacerbate the industry’s woes.

This sobering report brings the electric vehicle sector’s hardships into sharp focus. It is a wakeup call for the Biden administration and policy makers to reconsider their approach towards the mass adoption of electric vehicles in the United States. Blindly pursuing green policies at any cost may result in a perilous road for the American automotive industry and the economy as a whole.

In conclusion, the alarming losses reported by Ford Motor Company underscore the complexities and challenges in navigating the electric vehicle landscape. While striving for a greener, cleaner future is a commendable goal, it is crucial to balance these aspirations with the existing realities of the market and consumer demand. Moving forward, America must learn from Ford’s cautionary tale and exercise prudence in crafting policies and business strategies that foster growth and sustainability for the electric vehicle industry, rather than promoting its untimely demise.

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