Gina Carano Exposes Chris Cuomo’s Hypocrisy on Ivermectin, Slams Bullying Tactics & Media Misinfo

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In a stunning turn of events, former MMA Fighter and Daily Wire star Gina Carano has slammed former CNN host Chris Cuomo for his hypocritical stance on Ivermectin and his “bullying” tactics during the COVID pandemic. Carano’s comments, backed with receipts, bring to light the media’s role in spurring misinformation and fueling fear among Americans.

Carano took to social media to shoot back at Cuomo after a clip surfaced from a recent PBD podcast in which the former CNN host admitted to “taking a regular dose of Ivermectin” for Long COVID—despite having shamed others for considering the same during the height of the pandemic. Cuomo confessed he believed Ivermectin was the “boogeyman” but claimed they were “given bad information.” It seems the tide has turned for Cuomo as he tries to casually dismiss his prior derisions.

In response to Cuomo’s revelations, Carano was unrelenting, writing, “It does matter that Joe Rogan was raising questions and took the heat, trending every other day, being mocked by people like you and the organization you worked for.” She reiterated her disappointment in the media for not doing their job appropriately, stating, “He was doing the job you should have been doing.”

Carano also lambasted Cuomo for exacerbating America’s polarization concerning the COVID vaccine and for participating in “one of the most embarrassing, destructive moments that cost people’s lives and careers, broke up families and destroyed our economy.” Reminding him that people were denied the opportunity to sit with their dying loved ones because of the fear-mongering, Carano said Cuomo looked less like a hero and more like an arrogant pawn.

In a powerful conclusion, Carano posted a screenshot of a Direct Message Cuomo had sent her in February 2021, just one day after she was “fired, shamed, and canceled” for voicing concerns over America’s deeply divided state. Interestingly, Cuomo’s message offered her a chance at redemption: “Chris Cuomo CNN, would you like a chance to clarify where your head and heart are before you get defined permanently by others.”

Carano turned the tables in her post, asking Cuomo the same question: “Gina Carano here, would you like a chance to clarify where your head and heart are before you get defined permanently by others.”

With this article, we amplify Carano’s challenge to Cuomo and to other media outlets who have contributed to divisiveness, disinformation, and destruction during the COVID era. It is time for the powerful voices responsible for perpetuating misinformation and fear to take accountability for their actions and reconsider where their head and hearts lie. If we as a society cannot demand sincerity, integrity, and objectivity from our media sources, our progress toward a united, informed, and stronger nation will remain an unattainable ideal. As Carano boldly confronted Cuomo, it is up to us all to demand better and hold those in positions of power and influence accountable.

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