Shellenberger Bares the Shocking Truth Behind the Censorship Industrial Complex – You Won’t Believe the Dark Origins Uncovered by UnHerd!

Shellenberger Bares the Shocking Truth Behind the Censorship Industrial Complex - You Won't Believe the Dark Origins Uncovered by UnHerd!
Shellenberger Bares the Shocking Truth Behind the Censorship Industrial Complex - You Won't Believe the Dark Origins Uncovered by UnHerd!
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Let’s cut to the chase here. A recent interview featured journalist Michael Shellenberger, along with UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers and Tablet Magazine’s Jacob Siegel, where they laid bare the complicated, behind-the-scenes network of NGOs and state agencies contributing to what they call the “Censorship Industrial Complex”. A buzzing hive of censorship and suppression that has left many wondering what happened to the value of free speech.

Shellenberger wasn’t shy about his opinions. He condemned these entities for their mission, which he alleges is primarily fueled by intolerance and dogmatic zeal. To paraphrase, Shellenberger said their fanatical urge to censor and belittle dissenting voices often oversteps the mark, resulting in the censorship of factual and valid points of view.

Shellenberger argues this obsession to filter “misinformation” escalated as a method to oppose political ideologies that began growing popularity again in 2016, particularly following Donald Trump’s election. In his words, this was an orchestrated effort post-2016 to curb populism.

You see, the “Censorship Industrial Complex” is so tangled and intricate, it catches even the most vigilant off guard. This is, according to Sayers, why companies and online advertisers unwittingly contribute to censorship. Take the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a not-for-profit organization that develops advert blacklists, aimed at cutting ad revenue to “dangerous” news platforms and opposing voices.

As Sayers pointed out, even Elon Musk wasn’t aware of Twitter’s utilization of GDI through ‘Integral Ad Services’, one of the ad accumulators. GDI, as revealed by UnHerd last month, put the news outlet on a “dynamic exclusion list”, effectively calling for it to be advertiser-blacklisted.

The GDI’s 2022 report is another testament to their perceived bias. The riskiest online news platforms listed in the report were right-leaning and libertarian sites, while the safer ones were noticeably left-slanted, including BuzzFeed and NPR.

According to UnHerd, there exists no shortage of patrons for the GDI, from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (ending in 2023) to the European Union, and even the German Foreign Office and Disinfo Cloud, a body BBQed and funded by the U.S. State Department.

Pressure resulting from UnHerd’s national reporting has led to significant fallout. Following a letter from British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch, the UK government has washed its hands of the GDI, with no plans for future funding.

In conclusion, conservatives are being targeted. Big Tech must be held liable to reflect the First Amendment and provide transparency and clarity concerning hate speech while guaranteeing conservatives have an equal seat at the table. To use a popular line from an older public figure: if you see something, say something.


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