Shocking! Tear Gas Deployed to Halt Pro-Hamas Mob from Disrupting Graduation – ABC Outraged!

Shocking! Tear Gas Deployed to Halt Pro-Hamas Mob from Disrupting Graduation - ABC Outraged!
Shocking! Tear Gas Deployed to Halt Pro-Hamas Mob from Disrupting Graduation - ABC Outraged!
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As graduation season unfurls like a college banner, campuses are taking defiant stands against disruptive, anti-Semitic/pro-Hamas groups. Some universities aren’t having it, inviting law enforcement to maintain order and ensure that everyone’s hard work culminates in a celebration, not a circus. Sadly, “Good Morning America” (GMA) on ABC isn’t cheering for this stand.

Michael Strahan, co-anchor for GMA, led the alarmists at the heart of this drama at the University of Pennsylvania. Apparently, the assertive campus response was too tough on the pro-Hamas rabble-rousers for Strahan, who seemed uncomfortable with the arrest of offender activists.

Victor Oquendo at GMA decided to take a sympathetic stand with the protesters at the University of Arizona. Expressing dismay at the use of tear gas by law enforcement, Oquendo described it as if a military-grade chemical weapon was employed. Hint: the two are worlds apart.

Meanwhile, Oquendo was eager to spotlight the accomplishments of unruly students at George Washington University. Their achievement? Blockading key traffic points and constructing squalid tent encampments by the university president’s official residence. It’s a curious thing when disruptions get more applause than academic excellence.

And, who’s to forget the deprived students of the University of Southern California? With official commencement ceremonies suspended, they were served an alternative “celebration”. Their reward? A drone light show and some pyrotechnics-not your traditional cap and gown ceremony.

The foreign correspondent for NBC’s Today, Richard Engle, jumped onto this bandwagon. He “reported” on an interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Dr. Phil, seemingly unhappy that the Prime Minister didn’t mince words against students who choose to align with terrorists.

Netanyahu’s comment was quite on point as he saw through the ignorance at these campuses. “You have a lot of ignorant people there whose sense of history, at best, goes back to breakfast, not even that,” he said. Imagine that, a leader who won’t succumb to the mob mentality.

In conclusion, it appears that the time-honored tradition of graduation is being overshadowed by protests and disruptions. Rather than focusing on the achievements of thousands of hardworking students, major networks like GMA and NBC’s Today prefer to spotlight the actions of a few disruptive elements. Let’s not lose sight of the main event. Keep the celebrations on track, acknowledge the legitimate grievances, but don’t forget to serve up reality checks where needed. After all, a well-rounded education includes lessons in respect and understanding, not just the promotion of personal agendas.


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