Shocking Truth Uncovered: SNL and Colbert Fail to Address Rising College Antisemitism – Find Out Why!

Shocking Truth Uncovered: SNL and Colbert Fail to Address Rising College Antisemitism – Find Out Why!
Shocking Truth Uncovered: SNL and Colbert Fail to Address Rising College Antisemitism – Find Out Why!
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“Saturday Night Live” was presented another opportunity to raise awareness concerning the rampant antisemitism plaguing contemporary university environments. But alas, they swung, and utterly missed the mark.

Their recent sketch, stirred by violent demonstrations at Columbia University, failed to make a meaningful impact, just like its predecessor. Inexplicably, the previous skit zeroed in on GOP politicians probing Ivy League chief executives, Decrying their inability to openly condemn antisemitism taking root in their educational institutions.

In the newly released segment, parents in the throes of dealing with students involved in current protest waves share their experiences. Noteworthy “SNL” regular Kenan Thompson, starred as a concerned parent of a Columbia University student, yet the script did not touch on the violent and ethically compromised conduct currently overwhelming the prestigious New York campus.

To add insult to injury, the program’s “Weekend Update” slot scarcely delved into the antisemitism manifesting at Columbia University or the unbridled violence that significantly damaged a campus building. Michael Che, the segment’s co-anchor, merely sneered at the ongoing destruction during his bit on Saturday night.

The atmosphere on campus is one of blatant disregard. Windows are broken, properties destroyed, and the university authorities’ protestations go unheard. To add a touch of irony, university students engage in similar antics whenever their teams clinch victories in the Final Four games. However, inconvenient facts such as the brutal assault on a Jewish student by protestors earlier in the month, and the sinister liberal financial sponsorship fueling these protests, got glossed over by Che and his co-anchor, Colin Jost.

Further instances of bias are seen in the broadcast’s conscious refusal to lampoon viral videos depicting protestor ignorance on a national scale. They casually overlook situations involving Jewish students blocked from their campus by pro-Palestinian protestors, or the shocking commendation of North Korea and adoption of pro-violence chants by fellow students.

“SNL” and late-night comedians share a joint culpability for turning blind eyes to these worrying protests. Their silence extends to heinous incidents where Jewish students have had to hide in the attic to escape violent rallies on campuses.

Stephen Colbert, not one to lose out on momentous moments, finally addressed the mounting anti-Israel protests on his program, “The Late Show.” Suddenly, there was a newfound interest in the preservation of free speech in university environments in wake of the Columbia University riots. This clash of ideologies becomes prominent when you consider Colbert’s nonchalant response to conservatives being ceased, canceled, or physically assaulted on campuses across the nation.

It is no secret that the protestors are utterly Left-of-Center in their political ideology. Predominantly Democrats, they are vital to the party’s vote bank in the upcoming November elections. Despite their current dissatisfaction with the leadership, it is most probable that, post-nurturing, they will return to the Democratic fold.

This politicking explains President Joe Biden’s incredible delay in standing up for Jewish students on campus, despite his widely known leftist acquaintances in Michigan who may withdraw support if he is seen to defend Israel and its occupants.

This demonstrates the morally deprived reaction of the late-night programming to the hatred, violence, and extremism originating from the far-Left, reaffirming our suspicion that it’s solely about politics, nothing more.


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