Haines Urges Media to Step Up Their Game for Biden’s Reelection, Calls for More Coverage on Campaign Events!

Haines Urges Media to Step Up Their Game for Biden's Reelection, Calls for More Coverage on Campaign Events!
Haines Urges Media to Step Up Their Game for Biden's Reelection, Calls for More Coverage on Campaign Events!
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They say the truth comes out in the heat of the argument. The reality of that old cliché was undeniable during Monday’s episode of ABC’s The View where Sara Haines, the supposed voice for independent voters, unmasked her true blue colors while placing the blame for Joe Biden’s plummeting approval ratings on the media.

Hard to believe, isn’t it? She called the media out for not doing enough to help reelect Biden. Her solution wasn’t to talk about how Biden needs to improve, but instead, to suggest media should stop covering Trump’s hush money trial and start giving airtime to Biden’s campaign events – particularly those she thought were ‘winning issues’ for the Democrats.

Haines further drew attention to the media’s obsession with Trump. She referred to the resistant Trump trial coverage, which most viewers find tiresome with all its perpetual frames of a lifeless door, calling it ‘ridiculous’. She labeled the entire coverage a Deja Vu from 2016 and even accused the media of handing Trump votes without them realizing it.

She also seemed annoyed over media’s specific attention to Trump when covering Biden’s speeches, including when he talked about anti-Semitism. A speech that should have been given its due but was sidelined, according to her, for another conversation about Trump.

The View’s episode took another dash towards the dramatic when moderator Whoopi Goldberg blew off against Fareed Zakaria of CNN. She took offense to Zakaria’s statement that there’s a 25-point swing in Trump’s favor on competency and Biden’s age possibly hampering his ability to govern.

Fake-Republican Ana Navarro and faux-conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin also voiced their agreement with Haines. Griffin particularly pointed towards Biden’s mistargeted messaging for high inflation and Navarro made a dramatic assertion that the choice before America was “between good and evil”. The comic opera continued, but its core finding was Haines’ true colors were on full display – a subtle reminder of how liberal bias is deeply rooted in so-called independent voices of mainstream media. Her plea for more Biden coverage and less Trump coverage exposed the desperation within the left-wing media networks who are seeing their golden boy’s approval ratings taking a dive.

In conclusion, it seems Haines and her cohorts on The View need to understand it isn’t just Trump’s door that people are tired of seeing. There’s also a growing fatigue with partly hidden biases and thinly-veiled agendas. The media’s role should be to inform impartially, not amplify preferred narratives to shape public opinions. The need for a fair and balanced media perspective is stronger than ever.


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