Shocking Revelation: Psaki Forced to Revise Book Following Damning Lies about Biden and Afghanistan!

Shocking Revelation: Psaki Forced to Revise Book Following Damning Lies about Biden and Afghanistan!
Shocking Revelation: Psaki Forced to Revise Book Following Damning Lies about Biden and Afghanistan!
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Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki, known for her spin, is now embarking on an elaborate rewriting of history. In her new memoir, Psaki makes false claims that beg for a reality check and her effort to save face is making headlines all over conservative media.

Alex Thompson, a reporter for Axios, recently exposed the false claims Psaki made in ‘Say More’, her memoir recounting her time as Biden’s White House Press Secretary. This edit revolves around an incident involving Biden checking his wristwatch during the dignified transfer of the thirteen American servicemen slain in the disastrous withdrawal of the U.S. forces from Afghanistan on August 29, 2021. Psaki put a spin on this in her memoir, claiming Biden was a victim of misinformation designed to portray him as insensitive, insisting he checked his watch only after the ceremony was over.

This claim blatantly disregards live footage and professional photographs from that day, contradicting the firsthand accounts of several Gold Star families present at the scene. It’s a blatant disregard of the truth, insulting the memory of our fallen heroes and the families they left behind.

To add insult to injury, Psaki inaccurately quoted USA Today to support her false statement, messing up another fact by attributing her fake fact-check to The Washington Post. Now that’s a whole lot of rushing to cover up something when the truth is right there in broad daylight.

What’s mind-boggling is the mainstream media’s role in this. Ignoring this incident and allowing these grieving families’ true accounts to be muddied showcases their skewed agenda.

It’s no surprise that Psaki initially declined to comment when Thompson pointed out this significant distortion of facts in her memoir. Under pressure, she admitted that certain details about Biden checking his wristwatch would be removed in future editions of the book and ebook.

Psaki took this opportunity to pivot towards a personal narrative about Beau Biden, the president’s deceased son. Some might see this as a thinly veiled attempt to humanize Biden at a time when his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan is under intense scrutiny.

Thompson’s exposé serves to highlight the reality of the situation as we approach the crucial November presidential election – Afghanistan remains a glaring black mark on Biden’s administration.

In conclusion, what stood out in this revelation was not just Psaki’s omission of a vital fact but also her desperate attempts to alter history to favor her former boss. The truth is still out there and no amount of spin from a memoir or any other medium can change that. Our prayers are with Gold Star families who had to relive the pain because of this unfortunate narrative.


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