Exposed: Erik Prince Reveals Revolutionary Way to Break Free from Big Tech’s Invasive Spying!

Exposed: Erik Prince Reveals Revolutionary Way to Break Free from Big Tech's Invasive Spying!
Exposed: Erik Prince Reveals Revolutionary Way to Break Free from Big Tech's Invasive Spying!
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Big Tech’s invasion of your privacy has reached a peak. We’re living in a digital dystopia with them calling the shots. But, one man’s had enough.

Erik Prince, former NAVY Seal and founder of Blackwater, calls Big Tech’s control of our digital lives a threat to freedom. Now, he wields a new weapon in this battle, his innovative startup – the Unplugged Smartphone.

Prince expressed his worry at how Big Tech companies, rich and mighty, have transformed Americans into ‘products’. We’re constantly recorded and monitored; everything from our digital actions, calls, locations, to our internet browsing habits are up for grabs.

Recalling the censorship rampant during the 2016 and 2020 US elections, Prince highlighted how cancel culture silences contrary voices, obstructing democratic dialogue.

He’s pushing back. Fueled by a furious discussion with friends, Prince birthed the UP Phone, refusing to be a passive player. This phone’s distinctive feature? It doesn’t run on Google software. Instead, it serves as a beacon of digital freedom, standing its ground in a sea of manipulated narratives.

His efforts are more critical with Congress’ recent additions to the controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702. Prince tagged this as ‘Big Tech’s cozy relationship with federal government’, with the power expanding from unwarranted collection of our emails for government scrutiny.

The federal government can demand data without needing a warrant or probable cause. This means your private content could quickly turn public if a federal investigator fancies snooping around. The UP phone defends users against this digital intrusion.

Our digital sovereignty is under assault. Conservatives must wage this war against Big Tech domination on the battleground of democracy. Reach out to your representatives. Stress the urgency of Big Tech’s accountability. Should you experience censorship, step forward, and join hands to bring the tech giants down to earth. Freedom must always trump power.


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