Shocking Change You Won’t Believe! Misgendering Redefined as ‘Harassment’ in Your Workplace!

Shocking Change You Won't Believe! Misgendering Redefined as 'Harassment' in Your Workplace!
Shocking Change You Won't Believe! Misgendering Redefined as 'Harassment' in Your Workplace!
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Hold onto your hats, folks. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission just dealt a new hand when it comes to harassment guidelines. If you don’t use the right – or should I say, politically correct – pronouns, you’re in for a reprimand. The latest rules, published last month, have declared misgendering an employee punishable.

The rules state that if an employee wishes to go by “ze/zir”, you better call them that. Otherwise, you could be held accountable for workplace harassment. This isn’t a joke. Misgender somebody – get in trouble. The rules extend further, including the barring of the use of pronouns that are not in line with an individual’s current gender identity, and the right to access facilities that align with said identity.

The rules also touch on the rights of closeted individuals, sharing that they have the right to reveal their secret when they’re ready. No forcing people to “come out”. Regarding facilities usage, employees are allowed to pick their own area, irrespective of their biological gender.

To ease the understanding of the new rules, a few situations were presented as examples. One dealt with a supervisor questioning his employee, Chloe, about rumors of a transvestite in their department. After coming out, her supervisor further harassed her with inappropriate comments. I’ll spare you the tearjerker ending.

Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of Job Creators Network, a conservative U.S. advocacy group, rubbished the new rules as an overreach. Ortiz believes that most employers are already respectful towards their workers, irrespective of their background. He argues that the Biden administration is playing pronoun games while small businesses groan under escalating inflation, high energy costs, and strained credit.

Isn’t it an outrage that this topic is something we waste our breaths on? We have bigger issues holding the nation’s collar. High inflation, increased energy prices, and small businesses in financial stress are flailing. But no, it’s more important for us to tiptoe around delusional identity descriptions.

Again, the Left keeps pushing agendas onto normal people. There was a time when these issues had a place, and it wasn’t at the forefront. As our nation grapples with real issues, we are compelled to accommodate the self-declared identities. The focus on pronouns over livelihoods is a misguided policy from an out-of-touch administration. And as our leadership fumbles, the American economy and its people pay the price.


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