CNN Anchor Can’t Stop Laughing At The Suggestion of Trump’s Policy Knowledge – You Won’t Believe Why!

CNN Anchor Can't Stop Laughing At The Suggestion of Trump's Policy Knowledge - You Won't Believe Why!
CNN Anchor Can't Stop Laughing At The Suggestion of Trump's Policy Knowledge - You Won't Believe Why!
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In a recent CNN News Central report, political discourse was not just side-lined but disrespected when former Communications Director for the Trump White House, Mike Dubke, was laughed at and insulted by left-wing analyst Bakari Sellers. One has to ponder, how serious CNN is about unbiased analysis?

In the discussion led by host Kate Bolduan, the focus was on former President Trump’s comments on contraception policy. Instead of hosting a two-sided debate, we saw a gross display of prideful manner when Sellers openly chuckled at his fellow panelist, thus belittling the former President.

Dubke, in his defense, tried to lend a neutral stance to Trump’s response. He mentioned instances when similar gaffes had occurred and argued that Trump had likely misunderstood or not thought through his answer. Furthermore, he indicated that the anchor probing Trump might have been seeking a sensational headline rather than doing objective journalism.

Yet, Sellers, displaying the restrained maturity seen on CNN, found the notion amusing. This rude interruption is part and parcel of the network’s inclination. But, is this how journalism is conducted in the 21st century?

Not surprised by his behavior, Sellers continued his tirade by stating that the previous President had feigned ignorance about his position on reproductive rights. He concluded that “Trump’s policy depth is as shallow as a bathtub.” While this is par for the course on CNN, it’s also a grim reminder of the erosion of journalistic standards over the years.

The mainstream media have strayed away from traditional journalistic values with the rise of such partisan antics. Yet, that shouldn’t make us accept this low level of professionalism. It’s discouraging that such actions are becoming commonplace, causing a steady decline in journalistic standards.

We need to sit up and question these practices. Is laughing at an opponent’s viewpoint the new method of debating? Is bias now a staple in journalistic ethics? No, it shouldn’t be. Let’s demand better. Let’s hold the media accountable to its ethical obligation – balanced, fair journalism. It’s high time we arrest this fall and return to embracing conflicting opinions with grace and respect.


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