Exposed! Media Bias/Fact Check’s Shocking and Messy Attempt to Tarnish MRC’s Reputation!

Exposed! Media Bias/Fact Check's Shocking and Messy Attempt to Tarnish MRC's Reputation!
Exposed! Media Bias/Fact Check's Shocking and Messy Attempt to Tarnish MRC's Reputation!
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Cracking the fly of truth into the web of media deception – that’s what we at MRC Free Speech America continuously strive to do. As we go about sticking up for the conservative voice, an alleged independent website, Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) has recklessly attacked our credibility. So, let’s set the record straight.

MBFC claims to promote media literacy, but in their sweeping attempt to discredit MRC Free Speech America, they have twisted the narrative and misrepresented our attempts at factual reporting. They slapped us with a “MIXED” rating, alleging we promote disinformation and utilize sources with dubious proof checking records. Yet, looking beyond these hefty accusations, we see zero substantial proof backing their findings.

Interestingly, their analysis drew heavily on the works and comments of Turning Point USA founder, Charlie Kirk, an advisory board member for us here at MRC. They suggested that Kirk’s association with us was problematic due to his alleged propagation of conspiracy theories surrounding figures such as George Soros and concepts like the ‘Great Reset.’

Using weak arguments, MBFC has attempted to tarnish Kirk as a puppeteer behind global events, citing alleged Soros financial backing of migrant caravans in the U.S. elections. However, no publications on the Charlie Kirk Show website bolster their case.

Moreover, MBFC disapproves of Kirk’s stance on the ‘Great Reset,’ labeling it a conspiracy theory. Funny, as the World Economic Forum’s Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, penned an article in July 2020 titled “Now is the time for a ‘great reset.'” So what’s the conspiracy here?

The attack further spiraled toward attempting to undermine our database, clumsily ignoring that it’s part of the same website. They critiqued an outdated issue, barely denting the overall reliability of our database.

MBFC’s investigative techniques are also questionable as they admit not often conducting original fact-checks. They rely heavily on fact-checkers related to the Soros-funded International Fact Checking Network tied to the liberal Poynter Institute for Media Studies. Is it surprising then, that while our research has never failed these IFCN fact checks, we still received a medium credibility ranking, while the visibly leftist CNN received a ‘mostly factual’ rating from MBFC?

The bias continues. MBFC has outright attacked our study on Soros groups pushing Big Tech for amplified censorship operations ahead of the 2024 elections. While they seem to disagree with our tone, they readily accept the authenticity of our research, failing to dispute any factual points.

Hyper-focused on attacking our publishing practices and linking them to our credibility, MBFC isn’t above offering ludicrous solutions. They suggested we should engage more with least biased or liberal sources. Conveniently, they seem to forget that we have also published our pieces on NewsBusters, where most of our past research was housed before we launched our new website.

In conclusion, while under constant attack, we, as conservatives, won’t allow bogus allegations or biased policing to silence us. We demand Big Tech accountability and transparency, echoing the right to free speech. Your support and vigilance are what we need to sideline those who seek to undermine us.


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