Geoff Bennett Spills on Bill Maher Show: Trump’s Scandals Could Have Ended Any Other President’s Career!

Geoff Bennett Spills on Bill Maher Show: Trump's Scandals Could Have Ended Any Other President's Career!
Geoff Bennett Spills on Bill Maher Show: Trump's Scandals Could Have Ended Any Other President's Career!
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Stepping out of his usual comedic spotlight, Bill Maher appeared on PBS NewsHour to chat about his new book, a compilation of television monologues, and he wasn’t pulling any punches.

The show’s host, Geoff Bennett, praised Maher as the “ultimate truth-teller,” who gladly takes swipes at both political aisles. Maher’s response to the democrat party’s shift: “It’s not my fault the party of FDR and JFK is turning into the party of LOL and WTF.”

Bennett, struggling to grasp Trump’s enduring political clout, mused, “By any objective or rational standard, the challenges facing him, the scandals, the criminal trials — all of that should be disqualifying. And yet he’s competitive!” Maher responded pointedly, “Competitive? He’s winning.”

Ironically, Bennett’s use of the term “objective or rational standard” hints at PBS’s fundamental disconnect. They fail to acknowledge the double standard at play when it comes to scandals – it’s acceptable for Bill Clinton, but not for Trump. Similarly, Joe Biden can embellish his life story, but Trump can’t.

Maher stood his ground, arguing that Trump is insane, but this insanity doesn’t deter voters. They’re captivated rather than repelled by his impulsive unpredictability. He pointed out one of Trump’s political advantages: no one takes his policy pronouncements seriously. This prompts voters to think, “He’ll probably do the right thing when he’s in office. We like him. He’s our kind of guy.”

PBS, and the larger liberal media, can’t fathom that people vote for policies, not personalities. Most Americans aren’t thrilled with skyrocketing inflation and unregulated immigration. They’re uncomfortable with explicit books in schools, transgender ideology, and the constant harping on “systemic racism.”

Bennett, treading into controversial territory, questioned Maher about accusations of various types of bigotry over the years. Maher dismissed them, “Well, I tell the truth as I see it, and I don’t pull punches… Some people are hypersensitive.”

In conclusion, Maher’s PBS NewsHour appearance revealed more than just the promotion of a new book. It underscored the stark divide between liberal media’s biased perspective and reality. Maher, who doesn’t shy away from speaking his truth, set a reminder for us all: sometimes, those who sit outside the mainstream political bubble have the clearest view.


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