Unbelievable Story Behind Bighorn Sheep, Sinister Dreams, and Unending Patience – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

Unbelievable Story Behind Bighorn Sheep, Sinister Dreams, and Unending Patience – You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
Unbelievable Story Behind Bighorn Sheep, Sinister Dreams, and Unending Patience – You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
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CNN’s floundering prime-time ratings have eaten into our discussion this week, and you won’t believe the comparison we have. Just to help you grasp this, wild Bighorn Sheep and female forklift operators outnumber prime-time CNN viewers from the 25-54 age group. Quite a spectacle, isn’t it? We’re also getting into all the other uproars that have raged this week.

Look at the White House press briefings – or should we say briefing, singular. Just one in the entire week! I think you’d struggle to find another administration so skilled at the ol’ hide and seek. No wonder the only happening of note during the briefing was “Doocy Time” running rings around the floundering Jean-Pierre, who appeared to be on the verge of total collapse.

Let’s touch upon that abomination of a show – ABC’s The View. It’s downright strange to see the nodding heads engaging in bizarre chatter about murder fantasies. But that’s the state of the so-called “elite” media these days – shocking, disturbing, and completely unhinged. True journalism is an alien concept to them; they’re more interested in peddling outlandish narratives and wild fantasies.

No way we can we sidestep the drama surrounding the jury deliberations in the former President Trump trial. Like the proverbial bad penny, this trial just keeps popping back up into our lives, delivering heaps more controversy than resolution. The media circus around it is sickening, and true justice feels like it’s miles away. This isn’t the America we knew and loved.

Fortunately, we laugh at the absurdities of the contemporary media landscape, just to keep things a bit light. It’s healthy, after all, to find humor in chaos. Our own Bill D’Agostino took a good, humorous jab at CNN’s dismal ratings – because dealing with this mess of a media landscape is a lot easier if you don’t take it too seriously.

So, that’s the state of affairs. Modern journalism has become a carnival of eccentricities, filled with more surprises than a magician’s hat. A far cry from the honorable profession it once was. So, kick back, have a listen to our full discussion right here.

No more dodging the harsh reality – the media landscape is in disarray. Amidst the grotesque commotion in the White House briefings, the jarring strangeness on ABC’s The View, and the circus surrounding the Trump trial deliberations, we have the comedy act that is CNN’s prime-time ratings. This is the state of American journalism. And frankly, my friends, it’s more clown show than news—and that’s putting it mildly. We cannot sit back and accept this. It’s time to demand better.


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