You Won’t Believe How Excited ‘The View’ Is After Trump’s Guilty Verdict – Are They Calling for Jail Time?

You Won't Believe How Excited 'The View' Is After Trump's Guilty Verdict - Are They Calling for Jail Time?
You Won't Believe How Excited 'The View' Is After Trump's Guilty Verdict - Are They Calling for Jail Time?
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In a classic episode of ABC’s talk show ‘The View’, the hosts celebrated the reported conviction of former President Trump on multiple felony counts. True to form, the so-called ‘Cackling Coven’ couldn’t contain their enthusiasm, turning what should have been an unbiased discussion into a spectacle. But then again, who’s surprised?

Starting the episode, moderator Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t resist showing off the full ensemble of co-hosts. She heralded it as a “unique moment in history”, which I found amusing considering the gravity of the news they were discussing. Aren’t news presenters supposed to maintain a certain level of composure?

Amid the scant courtesy shown towards Trump throughout the episode, Goldberg fluffed her lines, referring to him as a ‘confected’ before correctly addressing him as a ‘convicted’ felon. Co-host Joy Behar remarkably confessed she was so thrilled about the conviction she had a slight mishap in the middle of her local Costco. She joked about it, labeling herself the ‘leaker’.

In another perplexing segment, Ana Navarro described her reaction as being akin to schizophrenia, swinging between jubilation and seriousness at the news of Trump’s conviction. Co-host Sara Haines expressed her fear about explaining the whole affair to her son, apprehensive about the inevitable questions that would arise.

Sunny Hostin, on the other hand, felt triumphant, likening the verdict to her team winning a tournament. But what caught my attention was her wild speculation about Trump’s potential prison sentence and his hypothetical inability to comply with probation.

Not one to be left out, Goldberg added her two cents, hoping for a six month prison sentence for Trump. Why, you ask? Well, because she believes that would demonstrate he’s just ‘an ordinary guy’.

Concerns arose that Trump’s conviction might fuel his chances in an election, should he run. These anxieties seemed less about his policies, and more about his persona. Speculations, assumptions, and predictions dominated their discussion, with little room for reasoned debate or objective analysis.

To wrap up, the hosts of ‘The View’ used the news of Trump’s conviction for an indulgent celebration rather than a fair and balanced discussion. Their response, laced with self-congratulation and mockery, bordered more on vindictiveness than journalism. Remember, balanced reporting and objective journalism are the need of the hour, not personal vendettas and public ridicule. Humbled or escalated, how the left’s agenda will work out in the face of all this, remains to be seen.


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