Unbelievable Turn! Joe Biden Shockingly Swerves Right on Immigration Policy – You Won’t Believe This!

Unbelievable Turn! Joe Biden Shockingly Swerves Right on Immigration Policy - You Won't Believe This!
Unbelievable Turn! Joe Biden Shockingly Swerves Right on Immigration Policy - You Won't Believe This!
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This just in: President Biden has made a sudden, and quite unexpected, move to tighten the reins on illegal immigration, leaving the Associated Press and even some of his staunch supporters scratching their heads. The real question at hand is, will placating concerns on border control be worth alienating some of his left-of-center backing?

Now, if you remember, during his campaign, Biden came down hard on Trump’s immigration rules and rallied with promises of restoring asylum protections. But now, in what seems like a significant political U-turn, he is signing executive orders to drastically restrict asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border. Yes, folks, our President seems to be taking a page out of Trump’s playbook.

Take it from Sue-Ann DiVito, a 61-year-old Philadelphia realtor turned immigration advocate under Trump, who’s observed a change in the winds. Once pro-immigration Democrats are becoming increasingly sheepish as they grapple with the ballooning immigrant population. If the vocal supports of immigration are now biting their tongues, it’s a clear indicator that party lines on this issue are blurring.

One way or another, President Biden can’t escape from the shadow of his predecessor. No matter which direction he takes on the Border, comparisons with Trump are inevitable. And despite her many protests, we can’t ignore the fact that Sue-Ann herself is a Democratic donor.

Cold, hard data only makes it harder for Biden’s fresh approach to immigration. According to an AP-NORC poll, a whopping 56% of Americans believe Biden’s presidency has been harmful to US immigration and border security, far outpacing Trump’s 37%. It’s not just Republicans throwing stones; even Democrats can’t ignore the cracks in the glass house. In fact, just 3 out of 10 Democrats believe Biden’s presidency has positively impacted immigration and border security.

Discontent stretches into the Hispanic demographic as well. Half of Hispanic adults believe Biden’s presidency has had a negative impact on immigration and border security, a significant statistic given Trump’s campaign efforts to gain Hispanic voter support.

Once again, Biden’s executive action appears to be a calculated, albeit risky, move to appeal to a broader demographic. Caught off guard, even the ever-outspoken Maria Cardona, a Democratic strategist, has had to admit Biden had no choice but to act due to surging numbers at the border.

Do these actions point to a rift within the Democratic camp? It’s definitely not outside the realm of possibility. As Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, voiced her “profound disappointment,” it’s clear, the party’s not quite singing the same tune.

To conclude, Biden’s pivot towards limiting asylum placates one group and stokes the ire of another. The political risk tied to this immigration balancing act could alienate some Democratic support. Only time, and the polling booths, will indicate whether Biden’s sacrifice was worth the desired voter approval.


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