Unbelievable! TIME Magazine’s Incredible Bias Clear in Shocking Biden vs. Trump Interviews!

Unbelievable! TIME Magazine's Incredible Bias Clear in Shocking Biden vs. Trump Interviews!
Unbelievable! TIME Magazine's Incredible Bias Clear in Shocking Biden vs. Trump Interviews!
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Do you remember Time magazine? This erstwhile titan of print media still manages to deliver over a million copies per issue today, but it’s a shadow of its former three-million-strong self from less than a decade ago. With its relevance waning, one has to wonder: is anyone really still listening?

In what appears to be an attempt to claw back their relevance, Time recently interviewed both President Biden and Donald Trump. Interestingly, Biden’s interview lasted a mere 28 minutes, according to Time’s estimation, while Trump’s was almost thrice that. Trump’s fact-check segment alone almost matched the duration of Biden’s entire interview.

A striking discrepancy arises when comparing the issues addressed during these interviews. The key points opponents would take against Biden, like Hunter Biden’s murky dealings or the looming Trump trial, were conveniently sidestepped. The question is then, did the Biden camp dictate the no-go areas in their interview? It’s a valid question, given their choosy approach to press interaction.

Meanwhile, Trump faced a barrage of aggressive questions about potential legal backlash, the infamous January 6th incident, speculations about future political violence, and even inquiries into a joke about a dictator-for-a-day scenario. Matters of abortion and crime featured heavily too, which typically don’t sit well with liberal agendas. The sharp contrast in the line of questioning between the two political figures is glaring.

Biden’s interviewer, Massimo Calabresi, even neglected to press when handed a generic, rehearsed response by Biden. Why was there no push for depth and authenticity? And why did Time ignore the opportunity to question Biden on his reluctance to release audio recordings concerning the investigation into his alleged involvement with stolen documents?

Conversely, Trump had to face unsubstantiated claims made by his interviewer, Eric Cortellessa. Trump was obliged to challenge these allegations himself, as the interviewer seemed to have his own agenda within the conversation.

The liberal bias of Time’s reporting is hard to ignore when considering the magazine’s refusal to acknowledge the recent resignation of Biden’s Justice Department official Matthew Colangelo. He made a conspicuous exit to join Alvin Bragg’s team of Trump prosecutors blowing the lid off the ‘no evidence’ façade.

It’s clear that the team behind Time, biased towards Democrats, are pitching a fear mongering narrative, suggesting that a national leader could use the Justice Department against his political foes. It’s ironic, if not wholly hypocritical, given Biden’s own actions using the Justice Department against his political adversaries. We witness shamelessness in the face of hypocrisy, bringing into question Time’s credibility. Its readers might have dwindled, but its stalwart bias hasn’t.


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