Is Israel’s Daring Hostage Rescue Jeopardizing Biden’s Ground-breaking Deal With Hamas? Find Out Inside!

Is Israel's Daring Hostage Rescue Jeopardizing Biden's Ground-breaking Deal With Hamas? Find Out Inside!
Is Israel's Daring Hostage Rescue Jeopardizing Biden's Ground-breaking Deal With Hamas? Find Out Inside!
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NBC has reached new lows in this week. On Monday, they took offense to a successful rescue operation by the Israeli Defense Forces over the weekend that freed four civilians taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. And why was NBC upset? Because it bolstered the resolve of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to save his citizens and could potentially rock the boat for Biden’s one-sided negotiations with the terrorist group.

NBC’s senior White House correspondent, Gabe Gutierrez, tried to clear Biden’s involvement in the operation. He confirmed that though the U.S. didn’t militarily participate, it did provide intelligence support for the mission. Instead of commending a mission aimed at saving lives, he pivoted to express reservations about how the mission could jeopardize a ceasefire and the release of the remaining hostages.

Gutierrez pointed out that the rescue operation may have complicated the efforts made by the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who is presently in the region. He suggested that this mission could have fortified Netanyahu’s resolve for more military operations in Gaza instead of ceasing fire, making negotiations for the remaining American hostages difficult if the present proposal fails.

At NBC, they seem more concerned about political implications than about successfully bringing hostages home. They didn’t celebrate this demonstration of Israeli determination against terrorism but suggested it was problematic because it might interfere with U.S-Biden administration talks with terrorists. What is the alternative, do nothing while your citizens are held captive?

In NBC’s coverage of the operation, they pointed out the happy reunions. However, correspondent Raf Sanchez didn’t lose an opportunity to paint Israel in a poor light. He picked up unverifiable figures from the Gaza Ministry of Health, stating that around 270 civilians were killed by Israeli fire during the raid, which allegedly included 60 children. Instead of stating the common knowledge that Hamas uses human shields, he painted it as a claim made by Israel.

Moreover, there was no mention of the fact that hostages were found in the home of a Gaza-based journalist for Al Jazeera, Abdallah Aljamal, who was killed in the operation. Looks like NBC prefers to ignore this piece of shameful information about Hamas using a journalist’s home as a hideout for their hostages.

In conclusion, it seems that NBC views the rescue of innocent hostages as wrong because it supposedly undermines negotiations with terrorists and strengthens the resolve of a right-wing government to defend its citizens. This isn’t objective journalism; it’s a clear editorial bias that everyone watching should be aware of.


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