You Won’t Believe the Three ‘Ironic’ Links Joy Reid Discovers Between Trump and Hunter!

You Won't Believe the Three 'Ironic' Links Joy Reid Discovers Between Trump and Hunter!
You Won't Believe the Three 'Ironic' Links Joy Reid Discovers Between Trump and Hunter!
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In a recent episode of The ReidOut on MSNBC, host Joy Reid attempted to deepen the divide between the two sides of the political spectrum by contrasting the trials of Hunter Biden and former President Donald Trump. Reid tried her best to portray Biden as a wronged man surrounded by loving family members, while simultaneously painting Trump as a lonely figure without support.

In her comparison, Reid claimed that “Hunter Biden was surrounded at his federal trial by loved ones including his mom, First Lady Jill Biden.” She then compared this to Trump’s supposed lack of support during his trial, noting the “rare appearances” of his family members. What Reid fails to acknowledge is the longevity of Trump’s trial compared to Biden’s trial. While Trump’s trial spanned almost seven weeks, Biden’s was concluded in a little over one week.

Reid’s observations seem to hinge more on optics than reality, citing how often Biden’s family attended his trial rather than their actual intent or influence. This aligns with previous reports about how the Biden family’s trial presence dominated the broadcast networks.

Moving on to gun possession, Reid defended Hunter’s felonious gun possession cavalierly saying it was for only 11 days, and accused Republicans of “silence” on the matter. She ridiculously painted herself into a corner by aligning herself with a convicted felon over firearm possession, while constantly advocating for stricter gun regulations. Reid seems bothered by the fact the right believes in legal gun ownership but seems fine with illegal gun procurement as long as it’s committed by someone she sympathizes with.

Finishing off with some oddly-placed concerns for Hunter’s future, Reid implied he would suffer challenges in obtaining loans or finding work over Donald Trump – a known billionaire with an existing business empire. In contrast, Hunter’s lucrative employment history has remained questionable at best, considering he obtained positions with foreign energy corporations despite zero experience or knowledge in the field, purely because of his being a Biden.

Reid’s interpretation of these two trials only highlights the media’s partiality and bias. Focusing on how reassuring Jill Biden’s presence at her son’s hearings rather than the illegality he was responsible for, while criticizing the “cold-heartedness” of Trump’s family reeks of a carefully manipulated perspective that doesn’t reveal the whole truth. The host portrayed Hunter Biden as a martyr and made a mockery of the very principles the left champions, such as gun control and integrity.

To conclude, Reid’s recent bias-drenched remarks only serve as a reminder of how some media channels can sway and manipulate its viewers’ perceptions and use this to their advantage. A fair, unbiased journalism should focus on factuality and accuracy, not showing unwavering support towards a political party or its members. Balance and impartiality are paramount to real journalism and should never be substituted for bias and skewed narratives.


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