Climate Change Exposed: The Shocking Reason Behind Your Skyrocketing Home Insurance Rates Revealed by CBS and NBC!

Climate Change Exposed: The Shocking Reason Behind Your Skyrocketing Home Insurance Rates Revealed by CBS and NBC!
Climate Change Exposed: The Shocking Reason Behind Your Skyrocketing Home Insurance Rates Revealed by CBS and NBC!
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Imagine this: media outlets are contorting themselves in pretzels trying to bypass Bidenomics and inflation as the cause of skyrocketing home insurance rates and instead, they’re pointing their fingers at climate change. You read that right.

Case in point is NBC’s piece portraying climate change as the villain for escalating home ownership expenses. The report reveals a staggering 26% surge in home ownership costs since 2020, with insurance being a significant chunk of that increase. Why is that, you ask? The networks’ new scapegoat: climate change. They conveniently ignore the real heavyweights – inflation and the ill-effects of Bidenomics.

Listen folks, even if we consider climate change a catalyst for home ownership costs, refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room – inflation – is pure gaslighting. The cost of building materials are skyrocketing, which in turn jacks up replacement costs and insurance premiums. Add to that high mortgage rates and you’ve got a storm of expenses that Bidenomics conveniently overlooks.

Then we have CBS, which without blinking an eye suggests “weather proofing” and policy bundling as possible quick fixes. What they neglect to mention is how inflation is inflating the cost of basic items like storm windows. Their advice? Just shop around.

Meanwhile, ABC surprises everyone by choosing to skip the whole “blame the climate” narrative. Instead, they shower their coverage of the Federal Reserve meeting with sugarcoated words and quite an optimistic outlook. According to them, inflation is slowing down, and the stock market response signals a ray of sunshine amidst the gloom.

The fact remains that inflation should not be pushed under the rug in these discussions about increased home costs. However convenient, climate change is just too simplistic an explanation for the complex issue at hand. When we start to see clear, honest reporting, only then can we start addressing the real issues plaguing homeowners, instead of shoving them off on a vague, all-encompassing nemesis. If the media is truly invested in informing the public and looking after their interests, shouldn’t they be clear about all the factors in play? It’s time to call a spade a spade – Inflation and Bidenomics are playing a substantial role in the rising costs of home ownership. Period.


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