Uncovered: How the New York Times Gives Overly Sentimental Coverage of Hunter Biden’s Verdict – The Truth Will Shock You!

Uncovered: How the New York Times Gives Overly Sentimental Coverage of Hunter Biden's Verdict - The Truth Will Shock You!
Uncovered: How the New York Times Gives Overly Sentimental Coverage of Hunter Biden's Verdict - The Truth Will Shock You!
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It’s time to cut the fluff – Hunter Biden, the commander-in-chief’s son, got himself convicted this week for lying to a gun dealer and illegally owning a firearm back in 2018. How does The New York Times report it? With tears in their eyes for the Biden family and words that darn near choked me up. Let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the mess.

Hunter Biden found himself in hot water, awaiting a verdict on three firearm-related felonies back in Delaware. Joe Biden heard the news, hopped on the fast track from Washington, and went straight to his son’s side. Hours after the judgement was handed down, there’s our President, arms around his son and family, moments punctuated by a tender moment with his grandson Beau. But folks, let’s be frank. This father-son relationship has seen more battles than a battered warship.

The Bidens have grieved for the loss of dear family members and endured Hunter’s battles with addiction. On top of that, they’ve dodged punches from the right-wing corner accusing them of nefarious financial antics. Despite all this, they’ve fought and survived. But a guilty verdict during Biden’s presidential campaign—that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

Those in Biden’s close circle say the President still backs his son and believes he can stay on the straight and narrow. Hunter has maintained he’s been clean since 2019. Yet Daddy Biden knows his son’s legal woes are far from over.

Our journalist friend at The Times, Katie Rogers, praises Biden for standing by his wayward son. But let’s not start the applause just yet. Biden’s response to his son’s mishaps, contrary to political instincts, has been to hold Hunter closer—and that’s not always the mark of commendable leadership.

Rogers even pushed this perspective on CNN, spinning this legal drama into a touching father-son saga. In September 2023, she turned the Hunter Biden crime story into a sappy family tale – playing up the angle of a loving father, regardless of the political consequences.

Let me tell you, Raskin, a Democratic Representative, topped the cherry with gleaming hypocrisy. At a hearing, Raskin emphasized the supposedly composed Democratic response to Hunter Biden’s conviction, contrasting it with the Republican outrage towards Trump’s conviction. But here’s the thing—he conveniently sidestepped the fact that criticizing the prosecutor for Hunter’s conviction meant criticizing Biden’s Justice Department.

At the end of the day, it’s plain to see. A crime’s a crime, no matter how much syrup you pour all over it. No rose-tinted journalistic piece can mask that. It doesn’t matter if you’re our President’s son or the common man—illegal actions come with consequences, no matter who you are or who your daddy happens to be.


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