You Won’t Believe How NPR Downplayed Hunter’s Verdict in Favor of Alito’s Secret Recordings!

You Won't Believe How NPR Downplayed Hunter's Verdict in Favor of Alito's Secret Recordings!
You Won't Believe How NPR Downplayed Hunter's Verdict in Favor of Alito's Secret Recordings!
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Nothing says “bias” like giving a story the silent treatment. Taxpayer-backed National Public Radio (NPR) played a rather amateur game of hide-and-seek with the tale of Hunter Biden’s three guilty felony verdicts, slotting this piece of national importance at number nine on their Tuesday night story list. And what bumped this major scoop? None other than an elusive “audio that casts doubt on a Supreme Court Judge’s impartiality.”

NPR allocated a generous six minutes to the selected ‘number one’, with the Hunter Biden judicial fallout relegated to a measly 3:52. But omissions weren’t limited to timeframes. NPR reporter Ryan Lucas focused his awe-inspiring reporting talents on the cheery family gatherings, succeeding in completely bypassing any counter-argument from the Republican side. Imagine that, a story sans balance!

And the bias didn’t stop here. Mary Louise Kelly, co-host extraordinaire, couldn’t help but gush about a self-proclaimed documentarian-cum-liberal activist who’s been busy secretly recording – yes, secretly recording – two Supreme Court justices. And the cherry on top is that this covert operative proudly handed over her ill-gotten transcripts to Rolling Stone. You can’t make this stuff up.

Then we arrive at David Folkenflik, a media reporter with a taste for skewed ethics. He managed to suggest this ambush journalism was, well, a little unethical. Good eye, David! But, remember James O’Keefe? Yes, the conservative guy who used undercover videos. Not a peep about him. Guess selective memory is part and parcel of contemporary journalism.

All attempts at ethics and honesty aside, the hypocrisy of NPR doesn’t fail to astound. For an organization posing as the guardian of justice, their reporter’s close rapport with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a blatant violation of the proper conduct they claim to uphold.

Now, if you thought Tuesday’s reporting was skewed, Wednesday turned up the dial on selective coverage. The first two slots were graced with conservative justices caught on secret mics. As for Hunter Biden? The seventeenth slot, if you can believe it, with a near-record low screen time. Score for bias!

The cherry on the cake came when White House reporter Laura Barron-Lopez peddled a misplaced narrative of Joe Biden’s relation to his son’s overseas business ventures, without any substantial proof.

In the parlance of the media circus, NPR’s laughable reporting just confirms their glaring inability to uphold the values of responsible journalism. Sprinkle in a dash of favoritism, a hearty helping of selective quoting, and voila! You have the perfect recipe for a journalistic disaster.

In conclusion, it’s amusing how the most critical stories disappear into oblivion while frivolous ones rise to the top on NPR’s show list. Is this the future of journalism we’re looking at? Only time will tell. But, for now, that silent spin on Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict sure speaks volumes about NPR’s skewed coverage and misplaced priorities.


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