Byron Donalds Drops Bombshell: Reveals How Biden Turned DOJ into a Weapon Against Trump!

Byron Donalds Drops Bombshell: Reveals How Biden Turned DOJ into a Weapon Against Trump!
Byron Donalds Drops Bombshell: Reveals How Biden Turned DOJ into a Weapon Against Trump!
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Breaking news! Peter Alexander, a guest host on Sunday’s Meet the Press, took on Rep. Byron Donalds in a heated argument surrounding alleged governmental interference in the Presidential election. Freedom of information? Or political corruption? Let’s dive in.

Peter Alexander tried to peddle the narrative that “there’s no evidence” President Biden influenced the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, to devise 34 felony counts against Donald Trump. Alexander conveniently omitted mention of Matthew Colangelo, who held a high position in Biden’s Justice Department and was later enlisted into Bragg’s team.

Unruffled, Rep. Donalds offered a detailed response. asserting that the DOJ had been manipulated with the aim of intruding upon the 2024 elections via late and potentially unnecessary prosecutions. These, says Donalds, could have had their day in court years earlier. This, alongside the Bragg case, is a clear case of election interference, leading several, including Donalds and Speaker Mike Johnson, to call for the Supreme Court’s involvement.

Peter asked Donalds why it was okay for Trump to suggest the prosecution of his political rivals, to which Donalds highlighted the “gentleman’s agreement” that typically governs political affairs. He exemplified with how Trump, during his presidency, declined governmental pursuit of Hillary Clinton after she violated the Espionage Act. Yet, the current administration has reversed the precedent by targeting Trump through Jack Smith despite Joe Biden’s own violation of the Espionage Act.

In response, Alexander resorted back to the party line, suggesting biased justice was impossible as the Biden’s Department of Justice had also prosecuted Democrats. Donalds quickly refuted this, emphasizing that such cases were opened during a presidential election with a single-minded intention to criminalize, polarize, and persecute Trump.

Alexander then shifted lanes, asking Donalds to repudiate a violent threat against an FBI agent working on the Hunter Biden probe from a Trump supporter. Donalds did condemn the threat.

In a nutshell, it seems possible interference took place, alarming conservatives across the nation who are calling for an unbiased, justice-oriented system – free from the political agenda of whichever party is in power. Unveiling these realities, Rep. Byron Donalds challenged the status quo, affirming that the threats to free democratic processes require immediate address. Our nation waits in anticipation for an open, thorough, unbiased investigation.


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