Exclusive NewsBusters Podcast: Alex Wagner Pre-emptively Bemoans Upcoming Biden Debate – You Won’t Believe Why!

Exclusive NewsBusters Podcast: Alex Wagner Pre-emptively Bemoans Upcoming Biden Debate - You Won't Believe Why!
Exclusive NewsBusters Podcast: Alex Wagner Pre-emptively Bemoans Upcoming Biden Debate - You Won't Believe Why!
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There’s a growing sense of alarm among left-leaning media regarding President Biden’s performance in the forthcoming debates. It took center stage recently when MSNBC’s Alex Wagner pointed out Trump’s supposed privilege of lower expectations from his MAGA supporters, as compared to Biden. While Susan Glasser jumped on board with this sentiment, one cannot ignore them conveniently sidestepping accountability around Biden’s own actions and comments.

The left-leaning media pundits are caught up in their displeasure over why Trump’s ardent supporters do not employ the same measure of judgment as they do. The inception of this discontent broadened when some questionable footage emerged of former President Barack Obama seemingly assisting Biden off a stage during a Hollywood fundraiser.

The agenda-driven journalism didn’t stop with MSNBC. On a recent CNN’s State of the Union show, Jake Tapper, rather than asking tough questions, chose to spoon-feed Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) with softer queries related to the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre anniversary. However, the bias became clear as crystal when Tapper questioned whether it was right for President Biden to criticize the Supreme Court for not aligning with public opinion, while Senator Murphy levied accusations against Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. It’s hard to ignore the double standards with Ruth Bader Ginsburg who was never a secret bearer of her politics.

Meanwhile, NPR appears to have found a new obsession – fretting over flags around Justice Alito’s residence and Republican threats to burn the Pride flag. What makes this obsession even more ironic is their silence on the threats faced by Justice Brett Kavanaugh or the lack of a single feature on Nicholas Roske, a man found armed in Kavanaugh’s Maryland neighborhood.

In another corner of the media world, David Folkenflik of NPR seems keen to scrutinize a Rupert Murdoch-associated journalist, Will Lewis, steering The Washington Post’s editorship. With similar opinion shapers like Brian Stelter and Margaret Sullivan, they seem intent on castigating Lewis before he’s even had a chance to start.

In conclusion, it’s clear that certain media corners are currently caught in a whirlwind of bias and double standards. From downplaying Biden’s accountability to overly scrutinizing conservative figures, the hypocrisy has indeed taken center stage. The question that remains is, how far will they go to maintain this one-sided narrative?


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