Disturbing Cover-up: Mainstream Media Networks Ignore NYC’s Shocking Incident Involving Illegal Alien Criminal!

Disturbing Cover-up: Mainstream Media Networks Ignore NYC's Shocking Incident Involving Illegal Alien Criminal!
Disturbing Cover-up: Mainstream Media Networks Ignore NYC's Shocking Incident Involving Illegal Alien Criminal!
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Straight off the bat, let’s sketch the truth neatly. On the same day that President Joe Biden declared his immigration executive order, another immigration-related misfortune befell New York City that big-name networks ignored. This story puts Biden’s policy in a harsh spotlight and, by no means, is it pretty.

In a riveting twist, ABC News, which usually marches to Biden’s drumline, revealed the arrest of a man, undocumented and in this country illegally, accused of a harrowing sex crime on an underage girl in the bustling city of New York. It took a brave local neighborhood to intervene, and that’s when ABC broadcasted the entire report on their evening news segment on June 18, 2024.

You heard that right; troubled waters began with an explicit report from anchor David Muir about an unthinkable crime. The accused man, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, had committed an unspeakable act against a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight at a park in Queens, New York. This horrific crime committed amid the common bustle of a New York City park shocked the community.

Inga-Landi, a migrant from Ecuador, illegally entered the U.S. through Eagle Pass, Texas, in 2021. He is now rightly facing multiple charges, including rape and kidnapping. But the gravity of this story doesn’t end there; this barbaric act was committed on a day when the city and the nation should have been focusing on policy changes, not fearing for the safety of their children.

In an interesting turn of events, ABC News was the one to cover this story; not CBS, not NBC. This might be because ABC has a penchant for local New York crime stories. But whatever the cause, the darkness of our immigration issues was brought to light, casting a shadow over Biden’s immigration policies.

Do the math: an alleged child rapist abuses our immigration system, takes advantage of our communities, and the mainstream media turns a blind eye. And as President Biden decides to extend more immigration facilities, it may incentivize countless others, like the accused, to stream into our country illegally. Whether by sheer coincidence or not, ABC emerged as the bearer of uncomfortable truths, in contrast to CBS and NBC, which swept the news under the rug.

To sum up, it’s simply dismaying to see the media sidestep such a distressing incident that spotlights the glaring cracks in our immigration policies. Special hat tip to ABC for not toeing the line and keeping the public informed about the realities we face. Nonetheless, it’s a brutal reminder of the pressing need for policy adjustments to safeguard our communities and our nation overall. It’s high time we ensure the wrong people can’t trample on our goodwill and the law with such audacity.


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