Unbelievable! Pro-Biden Supporters Caught Out by ‘Cheapfake’ Video Scandal!

Unbelievable! Pro-Biden Supporters Caught Out by 'Cheapfake' Video Scandal!
Unbelievable! Pro-Biden Supporters Caught Out by 'Cheapfake' Video Scandal!
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President Biden’s capacity for a second term is under scrutiny and the liberal media are quick to defend him. With his physical and mental fitness in question, it’s no wonder the idea of another four years is causing widespread apprehension. Despite this, leftist news outlets are swift to label concerns as false, taking every chance to silence conservatives while allowing the same criticisms against former President Trump.

In recent polls, public confidence wanes when it comes to Biden’s mental sharpness and physical robustness for presidential duties. A surprising 65% of Americans express doubts about his physical fitness and 62% regarding his mental stamina. Ironically, leftist journalists who routinely questioned Trump’s mental stability are now clamoring to discredit similar critiques of Biden.

Highlighting the irony is the uproar over a video from the G-7 summit in Italy. The footage eerily reminiscent of a scene out of a retirement home depicted Biden wandering away from European leadership. Despite later explanations, viewers saw the leaders of Italy and France scurrying after Biden, appearing to have orders to “maintain Grandpa’s path.”

Conveniently, liberal outlets called any claim that Biden appeared lost as “False,” instantly promoting their narrative. Adopting the role of an overzealous hall monitor, The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler contended the video as a “Cheapfake” and misleading. What Kessler labeled as facts was, in truth, skewed opinion in the guise of fact-checking.

Such bias isn’t confined within print media but has infected TV networks as well. Mika Brzezinski from “Morning Joe,” after days of raging about the G-7 video, quoted a despairing Democrat strategist as saying “The lie sprints the 100-meter dash, and the fact check is taking a stroll on the beach.” Strange how Brzezinski conveniently ignored Obama leading Biden away from an event like a child drifting from a parent in a crowded park.

Recall how these same networks relished blowing minor optics out of proportion when it involved President Trump. Back in 2020, Trump’s cautious descent down a ramp at the Air Force Academy led to a media frenzy questioning his health. It appeared a less-than-virile walk constituted evidence for Trump’s diminishing health. But with Biden in office, they conveniently switch gears, instantly dismissing his miscues as misleading and edited.

Notably, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace called this a “growing and insidious trend in right-wing media.” However, she herself spent more than 12 minutes in 2020 speculating about Trump’s possible health issues. It seems that a double standard isn’t at play here, rather a blind loyalty to the Democrat narrative.

Biden’s health – both mental and physical – is, without a doubt, a legitimate concern when considering his ability to lead for another term. Media outlets’ one-sided coverage and biased fact-checking only further highlight their partisan agendas. Rather than encouraging open debate, they opt for navigation by way of the “Democrat Standard GPS” – propagating biases and shaping public opinion to favor their ideological allies.


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