Shocking! NBC Exposes Biden’s Alarming Lack of Strategy to Combat ‘Domestic Disinformation’ Prior to Election!

Shocking! NBC Exposes Biden's Alarming Lack of Strategy to Combat 'Domestic Disinformation' Prior to Election!
Shocking! NBC Exposes Biden's Alarming Lack of Strategy to Combat 'Domestic Disinformation' Prior to Election!
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NBC News is crying rivers about the Biden administration’s lackadaisical stance towards tackling “domestic disinformation” ahead of the 2024 elections. They lament about the lack of a clear plan and point fingers at Americans’ frustration over previous revelations of censorship alliances between the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and Big Tech companies.

The June 19 headline of NBC News pointed out the poor preparation of Biden’s team to combat home-grown disinformation in the impending elections. The news medium fretted about the hesitation to address this issue, zeroing in on people’s anger caused by this unsavory relationship between federal agencies and tech giants in censoring content, which has been the case at least since the 2020 elections.

Despite anticipated misinformation and extensive deepfakes for the upcoming electoral campaigns, both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are quite concerned. Their fear: being accused of election interference in favor of President Biden’s re-election. So now the Biden administration is dreading the possibility of their previous transgressions of interfering in elections being spotlighted. This tells you a lot!

NBC tried to slap a bipartisan label on the issue of the government’s refusal to monitor speech. They reported that politicians from both sides have implored the Biden administration to be more assertive. They quoted Senator Angus King, who expressed his concern saying that fear of appearing partisan might hold the administration back from implementing essential measures.

But the mess deepens. The news outlet aims to protect top-tier officials from charges of controlling domestic discourse in the past. They quoted an unnamed official who remarked that the FBI, although investigating potential election law violations, refuses to scrutinize American produced disinformation or deepfakes.

Can you imagine this? The folks at NBC News let this misleading comment pass without question! Now, isn’t that funny?

Here is something NBC News conveniently forgot to mention. Louisiana Chief District Court Judge Terry A. Doughty, in 2023, mentioned the FBI’s attempt to flag “Domestic disinformation” for social media platforms just before the 2020 election. In plain language, the FBI failed to distinguish the nationality of those behind the disinformation – they could easily have been American or foreign.

Ignoring realities doesn’t make them disappear, NBC News. Our freedom to express an honest opinion is under siege. It’s time to stop bending over back for government-orchestrated censorship. The truth will prevail, no matter the volume of the disinformation tide.


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