Reid’s Shocking Love for Low-Priced Labor Unveiled as Guest Stirs Up Controversy by Comparing GOP Immigration Stance to Hitler!

Reid's Shocking Love for Low-Priced Labor Unveiled as Guest Stirs Up Controversy by Comparing GOP Immigration Stance to Hitler!
Reid's Shocking Love for Low-Priced Labor Unveiled as Guest Stirs Up Controversy by Comparing GOP Immigration Stance to Hitler!
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The tables were turned on MSNBC’s ‘The ReidOut’ Thursday night when host Joy Reid and political analyst Fernand Amandi pointed the hypocritical finger at Republicans for their viewpoint on immigration, even daring to liken them to Adolf Hitler.

Posturing herself as the judge of good and evil, Reid berated Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for relocating illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Funny how these open-border liberals are quick to cry wolf, screaming “humanitarian crisis” but ignore the real-life implications of unchecked immigration. Unsavory as it might be, Reid and others are propagating an immigration narrative that is far from the reality on the ground.

Earlier in the week, Reid, alongside Washington Representative Pramila Jayapal, seemed to derive pleasure from labelling the abhorrent sexual assault case of a minor by an illegal immigrant as ‘fear-mongering.’ It’s both chilling and outrageous how these individuals are trivializing such horrific events.

During the Thursday night spectacle, the duo took aim at Republicans for supposed missed opportunities regarding cheap labor. According to them, Florida’s economy would crumble without migrant labor, with Amandi backing this up by stating illegal immigrants pour billions into Social Security, Medicare, and other programs. But hey, who needs law and order when you have cheap labor, right?

The tirade continued with Reid comparing the backlash against illegal immigration to the historical discrimination faced by Italian and Irish immigrants. It seems she’s conveniently forgetting the fact that those immigrants entered the U.S legally.

Amandi, in classic anti-conservative style, vilified Republicans for their supposed lack of humanity. But what about the humanity in allowing illegal entries, potentially endangering American citizens?

Not sparing any chance to bring the race card into the equation, Amandi insinuated that Republicans would welcome immigrants from countries like Sweden, Finland, and Norway, labelling them racist in the process. As if that wasn’t enough, the duo decided to liken Trump to Hitler in his supposed demonization of immigrants.

Despite their alarming accusations, it’s clear that this entire fiasco is just another baseless attempt to paint conservatives in a negative light. It’s a fruitless endeavor that eventually circles back to their own intolerance and bias.

In short, this cringe-worthy spectacle on ‘The ReidOut’ is further evidence of how far liberal media hosts will go to perpetuate their biased narrative. Whether it’s twisting the context of serious crime or likening conservatives to Hitler, it appears there’s no low too low for them. As it stands, it’s clear whose table the hypocrisy sits on.


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