It appears that Nancy Pelosi has been hitting the bottle again as she states that she wants Biden again in 2024, and goes off on a tangent of lies describing his accomplishments.
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Joe Biden has been anything but a success, and here we have Nancy Pelosi out stumping for a 2024 Biden presidential run, must be the vodka talking.
Breitbart reports. Pelosi says Biden should run for president in 2024 – stating that “he’s been a great president.” In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she fully supports President Joe Biden’s bid for reelection in 2024.
Lets see these statements.
Nancy Pelosi has a history of making idiotic statements, and has often woken up from her drunk stupor to findher foot in her mouth.
According to Breitbart, Recently, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke about illegal immigrants and claimed Florida farmers needed them to pick crops.
Nancy Pelosi suggests we need illegal migrants to work in the fields in Florida.
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 30, 2022
"We need them to pick the crops down here."
Social media users were quick to respond to Pelosi’s comments.

1 One person wrote, “Elitist progressive and pious views.”

“When she said the word ‘moral’ I expected her to spontaneously combust,” someone else commented.

And another tweeted, “Apparently there are no crops to pick on Martha’s Vineyard.”

According to another user, “Legal Hispanics will answer resoundingly in November and send Nancy and many radical Democrats home.”
The absolute last thing America needs right now is another 4 years of a failed presidency. We need decisive leaders, and we need business centric leaders who will make sure to bring our economy back, and reduce the inflation back to Trump levels. It is absurd that Pelosi would brag about the failures of Biden, and then claim them as triumphs of the failed administration. It is no wonder why our country is in such bad shape, if the leaders in Washington DC cannot even see that we are failing. Bring on Trump 2024.
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