The news is out: Illinois is now full communist. Sheriffs in 80 Illinois counties have made it known that they will not enforce the ‘assault weapons’ ban that democrat Gov. J.B Pritzker signed into law recently. This malicious move on Pritzker’s part goes against his oath of office, as he has knowingly violated his duty to protect the rights of Illinois citizens and uphold the constitution of the United States. This behavior is eerily similar to redcoats showing up on Illinois soil and attempting to disarm patriots who stood for their rights! It’s time the courage of Illinois sheriffs sends a loud-and-clear message that these attempts at attacking basic freedoms will not be tolerated!
Recent headlines across the nation have cited 80 Illinois Sheriffs standing up against Governor Pritzker’s unconstitutional Assault Weapons Ban. These 80 sheriffs are refusing to use their resources to enforce a law that their counties would determine as illegal. There has been an incredible power play pushback from these county lawmen of Illinois, which further highlights the responsibility and influence sheriffs have in upholding what is constitutional for the citizens within their locale. It goes without saying that this strike back will continue due to these individuals upholding the right of citizens to maintain their Second Amendment rights and protecting them from being infringed upon.
One such Sheriff in DuPage County Illinois issued this letter in response to Governor Pritzker’s Gun grab that reads:

Breitbart news has more they report, in 80 Illinois counties, sheriffs are indicating they will not enforce the “assault weapons” ban signed into law Tuesday by Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
They reported that the “assault weapons” ban targets commonly owned semiautomatic rifles and requires owners to register them with the Illinois State Police.
In a direct retaliation against those Sheriffs who believe that they are doing the right thing for their residents Illinois Governor JB Pritzker released a statement.
When asked about the constitutionality of the new law JB Pritzker stated that it meets constitutional standards.
The battle to defend common sense gun laws against sweeping and unconstitutional bans has found a hotspot of defiance in Illinois. 80 sheriffs have banded together to refuse to enforce the Governor’s assault weapons ban, boldly vowing to be resolute in their protection for Second Amendment rights. Despite Gov. JB Pritzker’s legislation, these sheriffs are refusing to take steps that would infringe upon the freedoms approved by the founding fathers of our nation. We must do all we can support them in this fight and look for ways to prevent such egregious overreach from happening nationally. Donate to ISRA.ORG and support this organization who are fighting bans like this one in court and help preserve our constitutional liberties!
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