NBC’s Welker Caught in Controversial Cover-Up? The Hidden Truth About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story the Media Doesn’t Want You to Know!

NBC's Welker Caught in Controversial Cover-Up? The Hidden Truth About Hunter Biden's Laptop Story the Media Doesn't Want You to Know!
NBC's Welker Caught in Controversial Cover-Up? The Hidden Truth About Hunter Biden's Laptop Story the Media Doesn't Want You to Know!
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The flames of smoldering authenticity erupted on NBC’s ‘Meet the Depressed.’ Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) went head-to-head with host Kristen Welker, who blatantly belied the media’s false coverage of the notorious Hunter Biden laptop saga during the 2020 election. Unfazed by mountains of counter proof, she stuck with her questionable claim chairing a spirited dialogue on May 19th, 2024.

Rubio, firm in his conviction, fiercely accused NBC News and every other significant news station in America of censoring the true tale behind the Biden laptop in 2020, which turned out to be legitimately distressing, contrary to allegations of Russian misinformation. Social media platforms were implementing heavy censorship, with bans and deplatforming for simply discussing the topic. Speaking of the Arizona incident, where 200,000 votes were disputed due to mismatched signatures, he asserted that such actions by the media and Big Tech shake public confidence and invoke cynicism, giving way to potential discrepancies.

Welker, however, audaciously interrupted Rubio’s narrative and defended herself and the mainstream media, stating that no news had been censored. She tried to divert the conversation by reminding Rubio about confirming the election. Despite interruptions, Rubio persisted and questioned if they covered the Biden laptop story in 2020, affirming its embargo on social media.

Unquestionably, the Hunter Biden laptop saga was dramatically swept under the rug by the media stream. Rubio was spot-on suspecting the silent suppression of the story was crucial in keeling voters ignorant about the proverbial can of worms. Studies from MRC recorded at the time back up these allegations, revealing a blatant manipulation of public opinion by the media and Big Tech in the run-up to the election.

It’s also clear that multiple MRC studies echoed Rubio’s allegations about the compromised appetite of major outlets for the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Evidence rolls in as video footage showcasing Welker trying to curb discussion about the laptop emerges at a 2020 debate, substantiating her active role in media blockade.

The grilling interview featured searing debates on divisive issues like abortion and immigration. Rubio maintained strategic dominance over Welker, eroding her reliance on scripted responses and exposing the veiled mainstream media agenda. He held his foot down, refusing to let Welker divert the discussion and kept his focus on exposing the loopholes of the failed Senate bill that could extend asylum rights, creating a probable backdoor path to citizenship. Astonishingly, Welker didn’t counter Rubio’s claim.

Whether it was abortion, immigration, or electoral security, Rubio punctuated the fact that the mainstream media’s smoke and mirrors act could only safeguard Biden for a limited period. Welker made a bold attempt but failed to veer this narrative. So, as it continues to unfold, it’s clear that the truth, no matter how stifled, shall always surface.


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