Shocking Plot Twist: The Unbelievable Clash between ‘Criminal’ Trump and Hero Biden Dominates NY Times Headlines

Shocking Plot Twist: The Unbelievable Clash between 'Criminal' Trump and Hero Biden Dominates NY Times Headlines
Shocking Plot Twist: The Unbelievable Clash between 'Criminal' Trump and Hero Biden Dominates NY Times Headlines
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When it comes to covering the recent circus that was the Trump trial in Manhattan, mainstream media, epitomized in this case by Peter Baker of the New York Times, seem to revel in the obvious bias, casting Joe Biden as an impartial defending angel against the “felon” Donald Trump. Let’s peel back on the rhetoric and focus on the facts here.

Baker lauds Biden’s outspoken criticism of Republicans who disagree with the verdict of the trial. Here, we’ve all identified a heavily politicised case. Apparently, voicing disagreement about the outcome is nothing more than undermining justice. Our Democratic president, it seems, equates respect for his judgments as respect for the judicial system – an incredibly reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible conflatum.

Biden has finally broken his silence over Trump’s legal situation, without regard for the problematic scenario of Biden’s Justice Department member, Matthew Colangelo, serving on prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s team. The narrative presented is one where Democratic prosecutors, elected on the promise of prosecuting Trump, are in no way politically motivated. Would the same courtesy extend to a hypothetical Republican DA in a deep-red district indicting Biden? Hold your breath on that one.

Biden also insists his administration had nothing to do with the politically heated prosecutions. These assertions ignore Trump’s battling four separate indictments by state and federal prosecutors over the past year that has been anything but apolitical.

Baker presents Biden as a noble defender of American norms, conveniently skating over the significant shift in strategy where Biden not only directly addressed the trial’s outcome but also dismissed the previous allegations of the White House orchestrating the prosecutions.

While Biden’s administration appointed the attorney general who has led two federal cases against Trump, it is falsified that no evidence exists of the president or his White House playing a part in these proceedings.

Baker also goes on to turn the tables on Trump with the imminent federal gun trial of Biden’s son, Hunter. He consistently refers to Trump as a felon, despite the fact Trump’s conviction on falsifying business records, ordinarily a rarely prosecuted misdemeanor, was inflated to a level of felony.

The picture painted by Baker is nothing short of obnoxious – idolizing Biden’s presidential public persona while lambasting Trump. And the cherry on this biased cake is the portrayal of Biden, diligently addressing nationwide concerns and Trump, the “convicted felon” centered solely on his struggles.

Getting past the blatant media bias, it’s critical to look at the facts here. Trump’s trial in Manhattan has been massively politicized, and it’s dangerously naive to pretend that Biden has played no role or gained no political advantage from these prosecutorial endeavors. The media should be more focused on the truth, rather than creating a narrative that suits their needs. Let’s stick to the facts, not the fiction.


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