Is Biden Pressured into Election year Border Decision? The View Sounds Off!

Is Biden Pressured into Election year Border Decision? The View Sounds Off!
Is Biden Pressured into Election year Border Decision? The View Sounds Off!
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It’s finally game time, folks. After nearly four years of denying responsibility for the chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border, President Biden has made a tardy attempt to fix the problem by issuing an executive order for border security. But ABC’s “The View” couldn’t discuss this development without stirring the partisan pot and accusing Republicans of forcing Biden’s hand.

Sunny Hostin, who seems to think she holds a Ph.D. in border issues, was quick to defend Biden’s partisan dance, claiming that this move proves the Democrats, known champions of sanctuary cities and amnesty, are not weak on border security – a case of too little, too late for many voters. In fact, Hostin effectively admitted that Biden’s executive order was nothing more than a political move designed to clean up his image ahead of election season.

Adding to the noisy debate, Alyssa Farah Griffin, a supposedly conservative voice in the liberal wilderness, quoted Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) saying, “it’s not xenophobic to care about border security”— a clear win for common sense. Griffin suggested that if Biden can’t address this critical issue with courage and decisiveness, he can say goodbye to his chance of re-election.

Joy Behar, a Biden supporter who openly curtails her criticisms of the President to help his election chances, unconvincingly tried to differentiate Biden’s approach from Trump’s hardline policies. Gold star for effort, Joy, but the American people know the difference between a real solution and political juggling act.

Sara Haines wore her heart on her sleeve by admitting that Biden’s order was just a desperate attempt to stem wavering poll numbers. Meanwhile, she curiously blamed Trump for the unprecedented surge in border crossings during Biden’s presidency, conveniently forgetting it was Biden who let Title 42 expire.

Whoopi Goldberg contributed to the potluck of ideological inconsistency by echoing one of the most intellectually bankrupt arguments made routinely by the far left – suggesting that red states relocating illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities is somehow human “trafficking”. This egregious interpretation of trafficking takes lack of understanding to a whole new level.

The litany of excuses and distortions on “The View” reflect the widespread intellectual bankruptcy on the left. Painting illegal immigration as a humanitarian issue, they turn a blind eye to the real dilemma at hand – the preservation of American sovereignty and the protection of our citizens. President Biden’s order, although dreadfully delayed, finally shows some willingness to address the border issue head-on. Yet, the messenger pigeons in the media spend more time carrying water for Biden than providing a pragmatic analysis of his policy decisions.

To conclude, the women of “The View” might be good for a laugh, but when it comes to thoughtful, insightful analysis of issues like border security, you might be better served changing the channel. The conservative perspective – principled, direct and grounded in reality, not partisan fantasies, is where the true conversation about our country’s future lies. Like a broken clock, even President Biden is right twice a day, and his sudden attention to border security ought to be tallied as one such instance.


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