Whoopi Goldberg Defends Major Trump Republican From Her Fans
In a shocking twist, host of the View Whoopi Goldberg came to the defense of a top Trump campaign official and White House aide after fans on the show became
In a shocking twist, host of the View Whoopi Goldberg came to the defense of a top Trump campaign official and White House aide after fans on the show became
To call The View one of the biggest liberal propaganda machines on television these days would be an understatement. It only takes a few seconds to realize how biased their
What kind of wacky, upside down, crazy world are we living in these days where Whoopi Goldberg of all people is defending Donald Trump and his right to free speech?
Joy Behar REALLY must hate conservatives and the entire pro-life movement. Not to say we weren’t aware of that already, but it became even more clear this week after she