SNAKES ON A PLANE: Biden Says 4 Words About Masks That Should Shock America

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Granted, he said the 4 shocking words before his administration flipped the script again and talked about appealing the Federal Court’s ruling that lifted the mask mandate, but he still said it.  Let’s see what he said.  Trust me, you won’t believe it. 

Kyle Becker from Trending Politics reports, President Joe Biden did the improbable on Tuesday and gave a common sense response to a question about wearing masks on airplanes.

“Mr. President, should people continue to wear masks on planes?” the reporter asked.

“That’s up to them,” Biden said.

There you have it. All of the flight attendant confrontations, miserable passengers being forced to wear masks against their will, arguing and bickering, legal fights and media squabbling over mask efficacy could have been avoided with one simple sentence: “That’s up to them.”

Americans have been going without masks in red states like Florida for over a year with no distinguishable difference with mask fanatatical states like California and New York. Furthermore, people have been eating in restaurants without masks for nearly the entire duration of the pandemic, often in the close vicinity of others. And many of the predicted “super-spreader” events following sports celebrations attended by tens of thousands of maskless fans have turned out to be nothing to be worried about.

As reported earlier, a federal judge in Florida voided the national mask mandate covering airports, planes and other public travel. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention failed to justify its decision and did not follow proper rulemaking.

Four major airlines – United, Delta, American, and SouthWest – responded to the news by dropping the mask mandate immediately, prompting cheers from passengers on board their flights.

President Biden has finally come full circle to the position he should have had all along: Health freedom. It is too bad it took a federal court ruling to get him to this point.

As we have reported, after Biden made sense, his administration announced it will appeal the Federal Court ruling, if the CDC so instructs.  And just when we see a semblance of coherent thought from the President!  Do you think he ever even meant those 4 words he said, or did he just think he was defeated?  Respond “Meant it” or “Defeated” in the comments.


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