Psaki: Biden Can Attack “Maga” Crowd And Unify America At Same Time

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday that Biden can bring unity and reach across the aisle like he promised on the campaign trail in 2020. This comes days after Biden called the Republican Party the “Ultra-MAGA crowd.”

Psaki said this in response to NPR’s Tamara Keith. The reporter had just asked a question about Biden’s statements calling Republicans “Ultra-MAGA” and essentially an extremist organization.

Watch the clip below.

“The President and you have talked about ‘the MAGA crowd’ or the ‘ultra-MAGA.’ How does that jive with his desire to be the bipartisan guy?” the reporter asked Psaki.

Psaki quickly shot back, “The President’s view is you can do both. He believes that there is work we can continue to do together.”

“That can build on the nearly 80 bills that we signed into law last year that are bipartisan,” Psaki insisted. “But he is also not going to stand by and not call out what he sees as ‘Ultra-MAGA’ behavior, ‘Ultra-MAGA’ policies that are out of the mainstream of the country and are not in the interest of the American people, whether that is efforts to prevent a woman from making choices about her own health care or whether that is Chairman Scott’s policy and proposals that would raise taxes on people making less that $100,000 a year.”

“He’s going to continue to call that out,” Psaki finished. “But he believes there’s still a path to move forward on where we have agreement.”

Ted Cruz quickly tweeted, “The Biden doctrine: you can hate the “deplorables” and insult half the country & the press will still call you a bipartisan “unifier”!

Jesse Kelly weighed in saying, “Joe Biden blamed me for a pandemic and then tried to have me fired. If he thinks we’re gonna be ‘working together’ anytime soon, he’s sorely mistaken.”

More people weighed in on Twitter about it.

If polling is any sort of indicator, it seems that many Americans don’t believe in the hype coming out of the White House. Were you satisfied with Psaki’s response?

Psaki: Biden Can Attack “Maga” Crowd And Unify America At Same Time

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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