Bill Gates Tests Positive For COVID-19 And Experiencing Symptoms

Bill Gates announced on Tuesday that he had come down with COVID. Picture via CNN Screenshot.
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Bill Gates said on Tuesday that he has tested positive for COVID-19 and is showing some mild symptoms.

He announced it on Twitter, “I’m experiencing mild symptoms and am following the experts’ advice by isolating until I’m healthy again.”

He was immediately thrashed on Twitter with people pointing out that he had previously said that the vaccine would stop transmission.

Dr. Eli David said, “Bill Gates tests positive, because he didn’t get his 5th shot.”

Other people pointed out that if they had said the same things as Bill Gates about the pandemic then they would have been banned.

Bill Gates has frequently come under fire for his comments during the pandemic and many alleged that he had something to do with profiting off of the disease.

In May, Gates told the BBC how he felt about the conspiracy theories about him.

“You almost have to laugh because it’s so crazy,” he said at the time.

On Tuesday, Gates told CNN that COVID has helped increase the use of digital services and forced people to connect and interact online.

“I think that is a very positive thing,” Gates said in the interview . “And the software involved is going to get a lot better. I wouldn’t underestimate that accelerated digitization including in health and education substantially.”

This comes amid news last year that Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the United States. As the Gaurdian put it, he bought14,500 acres of Easter Washington farmland for $171 million in 2018 to achieve this title.

He has bought in total 242,000 acres of farmland with assets totalling $690million.

“That’s twice the acreage of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe,” a Native America tribe in the area.

Next News Network previously covered White House attendees catching COVID here.

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Bill Gates Tests Positive For COVID-19 And Experiencing Symptoms

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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