Jankowicz Resigns from Disinformation Governance Board after DHS Puts Project on Hold

Nina Jankowicz pictured
Head of the DHS's Disinformation Governance Board Nina Jankowicz is now resigning after the board was shut down today.
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The Hill reported Wednesday that Nina Jankowicz will resign from the DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board just three weeks after its creation.

The Disinformation board came under fire after its head was called out for spreading false claims about the now debunked Russiagate story as well as bizarre behavior from her past.

Despite being touted as a disinformation expert who had worked on Ukraine and Russia issues, she was quickly caught in controversy after her previous videos and tweets were shared on social media.

Jankowicz was called out for helping dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 by saying “we should view it as a Trump campaign product.”

According to multiple employees at DHS, the Disinformation Governance Board is being “paused,” capping a back-and-forth week of decisions that changed during the course of reporting of this story.

The 33-year-old drafted a resignation letter in response to the board’s dissolution on Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday night, DHS officials had an urgent call with Jankowicz where they gave her the choice to stay the course, even if the work was put on hold.

According to the Washington Post, Jankowicz has been “subject to an unrelenting barrage of harassment and abuse”. WaPo points to tweets by journalist Jack Posobiec for launching what became an avalanche of attacks on the “Ministry of Truth.”

Jankowicz previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, and advised the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry as part of the Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship. She also oversaw the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute. It seems that these credentials were not enough to keep the integrity of the board alive.

Ironically, the board is now shutting down after their head spread the very thing they sought to combat – misinformation.

Jankowicz Resigns from Disinformation Governance Board after DHS Puts Project on Hold

Aldo Buttazzoni

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