New Poll Shows Republicans Could Take Oregon Back in 2022

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Oregon has long been known as a very blue state. In fact, no Republican has won a Governor’s race there in forty years, when Victor George Atiyeh served. Now, that could change.

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A new poll surprised everyone when it showed Republican Christine Drazan just slightly ahead of Democrat Tina Kotek, reports Breitbart. While it’s not a huge lead, there are good reasons for it.  

Nelson Research conducted the poll which showed Drazen with 29.5 percent support and Kotek with 27.5 percent support. The poll also showed that voters are more likely to vote Republican than Democrat in the upcoming election by a difference of 35.9 percent to 31.2 percent.

With good reason are Oregonians finally seeing the merit of voting Republican. They have been under some of the most harsh covid restrictions in the country under the current Democratic regime, lead by Governor Kate Brown.  Drazen opposed the restrictions, saying on her website, “Governor Brown made the wrong decision when she chose a never-ending state of emergency and heavy-handed mandates. I opposed her mask and vaccine mandates and repeatedly urged her to repeal them. Oregonians understand how to make decisions for themselves and their families – they don’t need their state government telling them how to live their life.”

Drazen also addresses the terrible crime rate in Oregon, especially in Portland.  Her website states, “[v]iolent crime in Oregon is out of control, especially in Portland, which is experiencing an all-time high in murders. When police were being attacked, Kate Brown and Portland politicians ignored it. Under my administration, the days of treating police like criminals and criminals like victims will end.”

Drazen believes in supporting parents with their children’s education and in making sure we have secure elections.  These are all issues that have become noticeably important in the last few years and the new poll shows that Democrats are growing tired of their party’s incompetence and “woke” ways. 

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Time will tell if a Republican can win in a state as blue as Oregon, but judging by the polling, it’s a real possibility.  If Oregonians are as tired of their liberal politicians as we are, we could be about to see even Oregon go red.  Do you think it will happen?

Stacey Warner

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